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Before we start this chapter I have a few things to say. First thing is that I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a while, I didn't have an idea of how to continue the story, The second thing is that I want to give a huge shout out to godspeedwins for helping me continue the story so without any further or do, let's begin.

The students of middle scrambled to evacuate the school, the could hear the crackling lighting of the red death and the Flash who was now revealed as Barry Allen, and pulsing beams from the 2 superhuman.

The school ran out of the school but weren't able to go further as the 2 krptonians crashed on to the floor, it seemed that Overgirl was winning but Kara wouldn't stop, she grabbed Overgirls leg and threw her towards the school building, the force sent her through the wall.

As Supergirl got up she walked towards Overgirl who was struggling to get up, she was soon knocked over by A Flash of red lighting, kara looked up and saw the red death approach her with his hand phasing.

But before anything couldn't happen another Flash of orange and red lighting came and punched the red death towards the same direction as Overgirl.

Kara got up and saw Barry, except lighting kept bouncing and dancing on his body, they weren't his regular orange, it also had spurts of red lighting.

Barry approached Red death with his hand phasing and grabbed him by the neck and held him against a wall, kara saw Barry's phasing hand and called out for him to stop but he didn't listen.

Barry lifted his hand up and his eyes became red same as the red death, and his lighting became completely red. Even though no one could see through the red deaths mask, he was smirking knowing that he made one of Earths mightiest protectors turn Evil.

The class was all shocked and in awe as they saw a hero they look up to almost kill someone in cold blood, and he didn't look like he cared about it.

Barry's hand moved closer the red death chest and Kara Even ran near Barry, but his connection to the negative speed force was growing stronger every second which caused a protective bubble that hit Kara away, not killing her but enough to keep her down for a bit.

"Thats it Flash! Use your anger! Just like I did!" The red death exclaimed and he could hear the triumph in his voice.

But even though Barry swore to never kill, his sanity and mind was far to gone for recovery by any mortal technology, so Barry smirked once and then drove his hand through his doppelganger chest! Killing him!

Overgirl watched on horror as she saw the man she loved be killed, she never knew that Barry would actually do it!

But The red death only smirked knowing he had won the battle..

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