a little bit negative.

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Kara POV

I was sitting by the medbay holding Barry's hand. I was so happy to have my barry back.

"Danvers!" Harry yelled former

"Yes harry?" I say leaving barry

"We have a problem, it would be an understatement to say it was a little one." Harry said with caitlin nodding her head agreeing

"Alright what's up?" I ask

"When barry fought the red death for the first time he was injected with negative tachyons, these particles will make him faster but.." he said anxious to finish it

"But what?" I asked confused

"It also means that the slightest increase in rage will trigger a reaction that will basically infect his brain, it will change barry to the point of no chance of recovery  and worst of all, he will most likely kill if it happens to him." Caitlin said and I was dumb struck

"Do we tell barry?" I asked

"NO!" Both said

"What why?" I asked

"Because you don't think knowing if he is angry he will kill WONT make him angry?" Harry asked and he had a point but then we heard a noise from the medbay we looked to see barry slowly waking up.

I ran towards and he was soon embraced in a tight hug.

"Hey karr." He said and hugged back

"Hi." I said still happy

"Hey guys!" He said before bringing all of us into a group hug

(Time skip)

Me and Barry were at the house, I was leaning my head on his chest while he kissed my head. I finally felt happy I had the love of my life back.

"Babe, I'm sorry." Barry said

"What?" I say

"I'm sorry I didnt tell you I was the Flash." He said staring into my eyes

"Its Ok babe, we are together now and that it all that matters." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and connecting are lips.

It felt so nice to finally feel his soft lips. We then pulled and fell asleep in eachothers hands..

Ok so this kinda sucked if I'm being honest to my self I'm just trying to include more superflash scenes which turns out is hard with a plot that has nothing to do with it (shocker) so yeah, the next chapter will be up soon.


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