seriously iris?

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(Yes I'm not gonna write a date sequence cuz to me its pointless but that's me u guys can imagine a date if u want but yeah let's get on with the story)

Kara POV

so a few days ago Barry asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes and we have been having a lot of fun but we havent told anyone  in the school, not that they would care they are still fawning over Blake being 'The Flash'.. 

I walk upto my locker when I hear someone come up behind me and kisses me on the cheek i looked back to see barry with a smile

"Hey beautiful." He says

"Hey handsome." I say back

"Listen in tired of hiding our relationship, I want to hang around my girlfriend without restrictions." He says leaning on a locker next to mine

"So am I, how about we just dont tell anyone but we dont act like we arent dating." I say

"How are we going to do that?" Barry asks

"Like this!" I say and then pull him into a passion filled kiss and the whole school sees and then we pull away with smiles and look at everyone in complete shock.

We let out a small chuckle before we hold each others hands and walk away.

(Time skip)

I was doing geometry in the class and then when I hear the bell ring I get up to meet with Barry and I get stopped by a very angry iris.

"Hey iris what's up?" I say

"You stole my man you bitch'!" She yells

"What do you mean?!" I ask

"You and Barry are dating everyone saw you guys kiss and hold hands!" She yelled

But then before I could retaliate the door opened and Barry walked in and asked

"Hey babe everything ok?" He asks and giving a kiss soon after

"Now that your here yeah!" I say looking into his piercing emerald eyes

Iris just leaves and then we laugh and kiss again and then walk out and sit under a nice tree and talk and sometimes just stay silent (comfortable silence)

"Barry can I tell you something?" I ask

"Anything." He says

"I know we havent been going out for so long but I feel a connection between us and I...I love you." I say nervously

"I love you too." He says and without warning I kiss him..

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