Return of The Flash?

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Kara POV

I was at star labs, I started staying there after school more often.

"Guys, I think I found something!" Harry yelled

"What's up?" I say as I saw caitlin

"When Barry disintegrated, we thought he died but that's not it." He says as my heart skips a beat

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"Well his body was taken to the Speed Force, the speed force is the source of all speedsters powers, and to add to it The Speed Force is a BILLION times stronger than any gravimetric force.

"So what are you saying?" I ask

"Well ms.danvers I'm saying, we can bring barry back." He says and me and caitlin are left dumb struck

I may finally see the love of my life again after so long, it was like a light was lit in a dark room, guiding me towards a life filled with joy and happiness.

"How do we do it?" Caitlin asked

"Well, we use quark spheres." He says and I'm lost

"We set Barry's genetic marker to the quark sphere and send it into the speed force and that will push barry put of it's, but will trick the speed force to thinking he is still there." He says

"Alright then, let's bring barry back." I say feeling a smile creep upto my face.

Kara POV

I go back home and change into some shorts and one of Barry's shirts which were to big for me.

I got on the bed and lied down on my bed looking at the picture of me and Barry smiling like dorks

"I miss you barr, but I'll have you soon again." I said when a tear escaped my eye, nd then I when to  sleep.

(Time skip to when they bring him back.)

"Ok kara put the quarks sphere on that over there." He said pointing towards a cone looking thing

I placed it on it and got ready.

"I GOT A LOCK ON SOMETHING!" caitlin says

"Its him! ITS HIM!" I shout letting tears of joy escape

After a while the portal was stabilized, all we need to do now is wait for barry to come through it.

I was about to say something when a Flash of red lighting knocked all of us over, The Red death stood before us vibrating his body

"You really think you can bring the flash back!? Pathetic!" He shouts.

I fly towards him to land a punch but am immediately met with a devastating lighting bolt.

I layed on the floor with caitlin and harry trying to lift me upto my feet but it was too hard..

The Red Death approached us and looked like he was about to kill us, I closed my eyes and then heard a wooshing sound and barry coming out landing a punch straight on The Red Death causing him to be catapulted across the field

Third person POV

"No! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" The Red Death yelled in anger

"I am The impossible." Barry said before charging at the Red Death again but this time, the fight looked like it was evenly matched.

The battle was fierce and brutal, the 2 Titans of Speed ran across the world chasing one another until Barry suddenly collapsed but the Red Death was to tired to continue so he went away, leaving a knocked out Flash.

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