The Red Death

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Hey guys! So I should probably tell yall that this is Harrison wells is the ORIGINAL Harrison wells like the one form s7 ep2 in the last scene (which btw was a great episode u should check it out) yeah so other than that let's get on with the story!

Caitlin POV

"Hey Dad?" I ask

"Yes cait?" Harrison answers

"What is your relationship with Barry like?" She asks she considered barry more than a bestfriend but as a brother.

"Well I always liked barry in many ways he has shown me what it's like to have a son, so much so that I'm giving you and barry the building when the time comes."

"Wow! That's amazing." I say happily but soon after hear a familiar voice.

"Yeah it is harry thanks!" Barry says standing in the entrance to the cortex

"Barry!" I tell giving him a right hug

"Hey cait, how are ya?" He asks

"GOOD AND YOU!" I ask excited

"Yeah that's what I'm here about."

My smile changes to a curious face and so does dads

"Have you guys heard of someone called the Red Death?" He asks and then my dads whole face turns pale

"Why?" He ask

"I was asleep in a dream he was in a red suit and he said that.." before barry could say anything
Dad just starts saying

"I am the death of you I am the Red Death!" He says and then Barry's face turns pale

"H-how do you know that he said that?" He asks and you can hear the tremble In his voice.

"Allen you need to run far away take the people you care about and RUN!" dad says looking terrified

"Why?" Barry asks

"The red death is a murderer in the multi verse and his victims have a dream of their death and then he comes for them." He says and Barry's starts shaking

But before anything could happen In a Flash of red lighting barry was gone!

"Caitlin we need to Find him!" Dad says

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