I am The Flash... yeah right

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Barry POV

I walked into school after 5 months and people started cheering and I was approached by the principal and he said

"Mr allen I would like to thank you for your heroism." He said

"Oh uhm it's not necessary though." I say with a nervous smile

"Nonesense the whole school would know the hero you are!" He said before walking away leaving me In a pretty tough spot, because I came here for a normal life not my OLD LIFE AGAIN!.

(Time skip)

The principal called all the students into a huge auditorium and everyone took their seats. I sat next to cisco and kara and-sigh- iris.

"Good morning students today is a special day. A few months ago our school was caught on fire and would have killed many students if it wasnt for the hero who saved them BARRY ALLEN!" he said talking into his mic and after he said that everyone looked at me

'Shit' I thought

I didnt say anything but everyone was smiling except Blake, he got pretty angry because apparently he was the star of the school. And then out of nowhere he shouted

"I have a confession! I am The Flash!"

'You have gotta fuking kidding' I thought and for some reason everyone believed him.

And then everyone started to form lines to have his autograph And Dates apprantly, HELL even iris joined the damn line.

But I didn't know why i cared but apparently i did, maybe because a small part of me still wants to be The Flash.

"Do you belive him?" Kara leaned In and asked.

"Doesnt matter what I think." I say

(Time skip another week)

Blake's lie had gained global attention! He went on interviews got paid so much money for it and truthfully It pissed me off! Not that he got money i didn't care about that, I care that he is ruining the flashes name! The Flash helps people becuase he can not because of fame and money.

"Hey barry." Kara walked up to me and said

"Hey kara." I say smiling

"Listen I was thinking maybe you want to hang out.. alone.. my place?" She nervously asked

"Yeah sure what time?" I asked kind of excited

"After school?" She asked

"Yeah of course I'll see you then!" I said

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