Secrets revealed

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Overgirl is in this but it isnt an earth X thing well not exactly its tough to explain

Overgirl POV

"What do we do now?" I asked

"We make him angry." The Red death replied plainly hiding his face in the darkness

"Why! That will make things worse!" I say getting aggressive

"Exactly. So bad That Supergirl will have no choice but to kill him." He says

"What makes you so sure." I say

"Because I've already lived it." He says walking out of the darkness revealing a Barry Allen with a huge scar on the right part of his face.

"If you say so my love." I say wrapping my arms around Barry

He pulls me by my waist and pulls me into a kiss full of passion and love.

Kara POV

Me and barry were at the student lounge talking. He was so happy that I became a hero.

"Since both of us are heroes we can be a super couple!" Barry said with excitement

"About that.." I say

"What?" He says

"When i first became supergirl people started Shipping supergirl and the Flash it's called SuperFlash.." I say

"Wow that's awesome." He says and then we hear the bell ring so we make our way towards our algebra 2 class

"Mister Allen, it's good to see you again." Prof Stein says to barry

We start the class and all I could hear was constant chatter coming from iris and blake trying to break me and barry up, and also blake has been hurting more and more people when barry left.

But then all of a sudden a Flash of Red lighting came and pushed barry all the way to the back if the class room.

I was about to get up to help me before I felt a strong push of power send me towards the wall aswell

Everyone is terrified and screaming.

"Blake kill that guy!" Someone says

"He isnt the Flash, He is a Fake." The girl with a suit like mine but with a lighting bolt in the middle.

"Hello Barry. It's been a while." The Red Death says

"Who are you?!" I shout

They just laugh and the girl deactivated her mask showing.. me

And the red death pulled his cowl back revealing Barry Allen but this one had a huge burn mark.

By now the whole class room was shocked.

"This is sick!" Barry says regaining balance

"You mean looking at you seeing only weakness! I agree." The Other kara

"How does it feel Barry? Knowing that one day you just SNAP and become a destructive force like me."

"ILL NEVER BECOME YOU!" Barry tells as lighting starts to spark around his body except some them are red.

'Oh no' I thought

"You were to slow to save the people you love barry! Not even YOUR PARENTS!" Red death says laughing

By this time barry lost it his lighting completely changed into red and his eyes started to glow exactly like the red death.

'"Barry calm down!" I tell but I was to late.

They had already started their battle so I just went after the other one.

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