is it jealousy

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Kara POV

I was at home waiting for barry. I was watching TV until he came so I thought he came.

I went to the door revealing iris.

"Hey iris what's up?"

"I heard you and that hottie are hanging out today, so I thought this would be the best time to have him." She said sounding like she was a god

"Fine." I said letting her in

"This house is small ( imagine a big house) mine is bigger." She says with disgust which I hated

And then I hear a car pull up and its barry I feel a smile being created on my face.

"Hey kara, this is a nice house!" He says

"I completely agree, Hi iris west." She says reaching her out to barry who kindly accepted.

"Barry allen. So bad news Cisco said he couldnt make it." He said

"Oh its Fine." I say

Barry POV

Me and kara talked with iris who was very touchy she would touch my arm and hold onto it.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Iris said

"I dont think kara would be comfortable with that, besides we need 1 more guy." I said

"Oh Cisco is coming, he said he finished early so he could make it." She said with a smile

'Fucking hell' i thought

And then we heard the bell ring and then Cisco arrived.

(Time skip)

I'm assuming you guys know the rules?" Iris said

"Yep." Everyone said and then we had started

First it landed on iris and cisco, iris wasnt so stoked about that one. Next it was Kara's turn and it landed on me and I could see iris getting a little angry for some reason.

"My man!" Cisco yelled

I just let out a chuckle and looked into Kara's eyes before resuming the game 3rd round it landed on me and kara meaning I have to kiss her a bit longer. So i did the kiss felt right and amazing I could feel Kara's soft lips which tasted amazing but pulled away and when I looked at iris she looked Pissed!

"Kara can we have a girl talk?" She asked and kara said yes.

So I just spoke to cisco

Kara POV

"What's up?" I asked

"I need you to back out of the game." She said

"What? Why?" I asked confused

"Because you are stealing all my chances of having him!" She snapped but before I could retaliate someone broke down my door and shot me with a rubber bullet

"Argh!" I yelled in pain

I'd your wondering why it hurt is because Eliza put a damper inside me so my powers gone.

I heard barry and Cisco run from upstairs.

"What the hell do you want!" Barry said standing infront of me

"The girl move or be dealt with!" A soldier said

"Well too bad! What do you want with her?" Barry yelled

"Its none of your concern." The solider said rasing his weapon and aiming at barry and soon 4 other soldiers came in.

"I'll give you a chance, either leave now or leave with many broken bones." Barry said which shocked everyone and then I looked at iris and she had a lustful look

"Fire!" The soldiers yelled but barry dodged them and pointed the gun at the other solider and the rubber bullet hit him (he isnt using speex) he then twisted the arm of the solder breaking it and then punching the other soldiers and breaking his foot and finally barry broke the last ones arm..

"Damn BRO HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LEARN HOW TO FIGHT LIKE THAT?!" cisco asked completely shocked but he didnt answer instead came up towards me to
See if I was okay.

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