Barry allen was born with the power of super speed but after his enemy killed his parents he vowed to never use his powers again
kara zor el was a alien from the plant krypton which explode and she was sent to earth at the age of 13.
she now is the...
I asked barry if we wanted to hang out alone at my house and he said yes!
So now I need to go home because he said he would come after school so I hurried home.
I was on my bed In my room upstairs on my bed looking at my Instagram feed, when something caught my eye.. @BarryAllen it was Barry's instagram account it was public so I looked at it and went through the pictures when I saw the picture that made me go crazy!
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Liked by maddixoxo. iriswestt
I love wearing suits!
Maddixoxo-omg I hope your single
BarryAllen- Lol yes I am
Wow barry is really hot i though but then I heard my door bell ring so I immediately went downstairs and opened the door revealing barry wearing a black t shirt with black Jean's
"Hey kara!" He said
"Hey barry come in!" I say
He came in and sat on the couch and i sat next him but not to close
"So what's up?" He says
"Nothing much other than the fact that blake thinks because people think he is the Flash everyone wants to be with him!" I say frustrated about him asking me out.
"Yeah did he say anything else?" Barry asked
"Not really but what about you?"
"More or less the same." He says
Then their was an awkward silence but I broke the silence saying
"Barry thanks for reassuring my faith In love." I say genuinely
"There is no need to thank me." He says humbly
"I do not alot of people want to date me because of my personality just my body my status and looks." I say sad
He grabs my hand and looks me in my eyes and says
"Kara not everyone Is the same people will b different but their will be someone who is out their who loves you for you not anything else you just need to look for it."
We looks into each other eyes and I smile and start leaning in aNd then our lips meet he pulls away apologising for his action but I pull him back into it and it takes him by suprise but he relaxes into it..
"Kara would you like to go on a date with me?" He says pulling away
'"Yes of course I would." I say and then we kiss again only more heated than before.
Third person POV
Kara starts to take off Barry's shirt and let's here hands roam his toned chest and abs. Barry moved his hand towards Kara's thighs and started going up towards her butt and squeezing it making kara let out a moan. That was the breaking point for barry he grabbed kara and went towards her bed and dropped her and got on top and started to kiss again.. kara was enjoying this so much and she couldnt wait for to eat her