no please barry!

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Kara Pov

I walk into a medical lab to see barry in a Flash suit with cuts and bruises.

"Barr!" I yelled out in fear

"Kara i- I'm sorry I didnt tell you." Barry says struggling

"No please barry no!" I say crying

He doesnt say anything but puts his hand to my cheek and wipes away my tears.

"I love you kara and i always will." He says with a weak smile.

"I love you to barr." I say with tears coming out and kiss him for what could be the last time.

And then his hand started to form a weird flaky form and then I was pulled back by the girl who brought me here but was fighting to be with barry.

His body started to disperse into particles and before i knew it he was gone. The Love of my life was gone.

I ran to his suit which was empty and held it close to me letting my tears fall onto it.

Harrison POV

I just saw someone who was like a son to me die infront of my eyes, both Kara and caitlin were crying for the person they both cared for.

Even I let out a tear and under my breath I said.

"Goodbye son." I said and then pulled my daughter into a hug..

Sooooooo... barry is dead. :/ but not for long AND THIS IS NOT THE ENF OF THE STORY!


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