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"Where is the monster I saw when you hatched? That's the dragon we need for the prophecy!" Snarled Kestrel as Clay crouched a little not wanting to fight the adult dragon.

"Urm...." He was all he could say as Kestrel snarled at him.

"Fight!" She yelled making him lower his head with a bit of a pleading look on his face.

"I'm trying! Maybe if we could stop and talk-" he was cut off by Kestrel stomping on his tail.

"OW! You said stomping tails was cheating!" He complained as Kestrel moved and got ready to strike him.

"I'm your teacher. Nothing i do is cheating." She said then swung her own tail at him hitting him in the chest.

"Roll right! Use your fire! Fight!" She yelled at him as he got back up.

"Maybe we could try fighting without all the shouting and see-UGH!" He said as she lunged at him and sent him and herself through a cave spike. Kestrel got up and glared at Clay as she let our a quiet rumble.

"Are all Mudwings this useless. Or is it just you?" She asked causing Clay to look at the cave floor. As she went to say something else pain shot through her tail.

"Aaaah!" She yelled then turned to see Tsunami holding her tail.

"Stop picking on Clay." She said as she let go of Kestrel's tail. The older female looked at her with a snarl.

"Tsunami. Arent you sweet? Protecting a dragon who tried to kill you in your egg." She said teasingly making Tsunami roll her eyes.

"But luckily you big dragons were these to save our lives. And now we get to hear about it all the time." Tsunami said as Kestrel began to leave.

"We're finished anyway. Another unimpressive session. Mudwing." Kestrel said as she walked out. Once she was gone Tsunami walked over to Clay who was laying on the ground with a smile.

"She's going to be so mean to you during training tomorrow." He said making Tsunami laugh a little.

"Oh no! How unexpected! I've never seen Kestrel be mean before!" She said with a playful and sarcastic tone. 

"Ha he! Owwww." Clay said as his laughing made his sore body hurt. Tsunami looked behind her where Kestrel had left the cave.

"Kestrel will be sorry one day, when I'm queen of the seawings." She said then a proud look came over her face.

"I thought only a queen's daughters or sisters could challenge her for the throne." Clay said a bit questionably making Tsunami hold her head up high with a smile.

"Well, maybe the seawing queen is my mother and I'm a lost princess." She said as Clay got up with a grunt.

"I wonder what my parents are like." Clay said as he began thinking.

"I wonder if any or our parents are still alive." Tsunami said as she looked at her mudwing friend.

"You think they miss us?" He asked and she nodded.

"Definitely. I bet the tore up the world looking for us." She said mostly trying to cheer up the lovable male.

"The talons of peace hid us well. But..." She said and trailed off a bit.

"But what?" Clay asked as he looked at Tsunamie.

"But what if we escape?" She asked causing Clay to look utterly surprised.

"Im ready to save the world now aren't you?" She asked making Clay think.

"Um, no. We can't stop the war by ourselves." He said and she smiled.

"Yes, we can! That's the whole point of the prophecy." She said making Clay shake his head a little.

"Just think about it ok?" She aske with a small frown.

"All right. I'll think about it." He said then they both heard a cow moo making them both smile.

"Dinner!" He shouted excitedly.

"Race you!" She replied and took off.

"Dinner! Cows! Hooray!" Clay yelled as he raced his seawing friend to where the food was.

As he entered the cave he smiled at his friends.

'The only good thing about growing up here...Sunny' He thought.

"Rawr! Thats my fierce hunting cry! Wasnt it scary?" Sunny said as Clay smiled.

'No venomous barb. Happy! Tiny! Weird golden color. Excitable! Not like other sandwings. Kestrel calls her defective. Sweetest dragon under the Mountain. Terrible at keeping secrets.' He thought then looked at the night wing.

'Starflight. Smart! Really likes to study. Does NOT like to fight. Blends in at night. Scattered silver scales like stars. Supposed to be able to read minds and tell the future like other nightwings. Can't. No one knows why." He thought as he watched Starflight look at rhe scrolls.

"We should study some more tonight." Starflight said and Tsunami looked at him while beginning to eat the cow.

"Only if i get to pick what we study." She said making Clay chuckle softly.

'Tsunami. Can fight anything. Will fight anything. Sees in the dark. Breathes under water. Some of her scales glow in the dark. Thinks she's a seawing princess. Pretty sure she's destined to be a seawing queen. Already very good at bossing (practices a lot.)' He thought then looked at the rain wing.

"No. Not the three sandwing queens again. Dont make us act it out." She said and Tsunami smirked.

"The three queens again! Good idea Glory!" Tsunami said happily.

"Oh, splendid." Glory said sarcastically.

'Glory. Beautiful and smart. Sarcastic most of the time. Scales turn colors. NOT lazy. NOT stupid. No matter what our guardians say about rainwings. Secretly nice, but don't her i said that.' He thought then looked at the only hybrid under the mountain.

'Frostburn. Her icewing scales are bright and beautiful. Plus they make her Skywing scales stand out. Large wings. Spines on her tail and no one knows why. Very quiet. She's is the daughter of the guardian that was killed. Her eyes are gold with blue flakes.' He thought then hummed and at some of the cow.

"Do we really have to do that again? I always have to watch my tail so I dont poke any of you..." Frost burn said quietly as she sat with her tail curled around her front claws as best as she could.

Here is part 2! Ok so I'm going to try and split all of my chapters into 1000 to 1200 words so they arent overly long. Plus it will make it to where i can make more chapters.

Wings Of Fire: The Dragonet ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now