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"They wouldn't!" Sunny said worriedly.

"They definitely would. They'll do anything for the prophecy. But we won't let them." Tsunami said and looked at Frostburn who was now standing by Clay.

"You dont have to get involved. Its our problem, not yours." Glory said and Tsunami scoffed.

"All of you together are no match for Kestrel. And i can't do anything!" She said with a frown.

"Then we escape." Clay said seriously.

"Escape?" Sunny asked nervously.

"We have to get put. Tonight. Right now." He said and Starflight stepped in.

"If escape were that easy, we'd already be gone. There's a huge boulder blocking the exit. It can't be opened from the inside without the key, and only Dune has the key." He said and Clay began to look a bit worried.

"Can we steal the key?" He asked and Starflight shook his head.

"They'd catch us for sure." He said and Sunny looked at him.

"If one of us got out, could we move the boulder from the outside?" She asked and he thought for a bit.

"Probably. We've all seen Kestrel and Webs come in without Dune. There must be a lever or something out there." He said and Tsunami sighed.

"But it doesnt matter. There's no way to get outside." She said and Sunny tried to suggest something only to be over spoken by the others.

"This is really sweet, guys, but don't get in trouble for us." Glory said and Frostburn nodded agreeing with her.

"Acting like martyrs isn't helping things." Tsunami snapped.

"We aren't acting like martyrs. We are trying to make sure nobody gets killed." Frostburn said and Tsunami looked at her.

"Oh, but it's fine is the two of you do?" She said a bit angrily.

"Who cares? We arent in the prophecy!" Glory snapped and Frostburn sat down.

"I swear I'll kill you myself." Tsunami said as she glared at Glory.

"Tsunami you have the weirdest way of expressing yourself." Frostburn said as she looked at the seawing.

"Glory she's saying she cares." Clay said with a bit of a worried look on his face.

"Guys! Listen! What about the sky hole? In the study room? We could fly up and squeeze out!" Sunny yelled tired of not being heard.

"It's too small, even for you. I've flown up to the hole when no one was around." Starflight said and the others admitted to doing the same except for Clay.

'Why didn't i ever try that?' He thought as he looked at Starflight.  After a bit he looked at Tsunami knowing she had a plan.

"You have an idea. I can tell you've been working on an escape plan forever." He said and she looked at him.

"Forever? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Sunny asked and Frostburn bumped her wing against hers a little.

"Its too dangerous. It was supposed to be me." Tsunami said and looked at the river. Clay followed her gaze and knew.

"The river? Do you know where it goes?" He asked and looked back at her.

"I found a gap under the wall in the training cave. It's very tight. Ive never gone through in case i couldn't get back." She said and Clay thought for a minute.

"I'll go. With you tied up, I'm the best swimmer." Clay said and Frostburn stood up quickly.

"There is no way! Clay you're a mudwing. The longest you can hold your breath is an hour at most!" She said worriedly.

"You could get trapped with no air and drown. An you cant see in the dark like i can. You could die!" Tsunami said trying to convince him not to do it.

"Glory and Frostburn WILL die if i don't. Right?  There's no other way." He argued and everyone sighed.

"We dont know where the river will take you. You'll need to orient yourself. When its daylight, we'll send a smoke signal through the sky hole." Starflight said and the others nodded.

"I can think of a few scrolls I'd like to burn." Glory said and Sunny agreed.

"What are they supposed to do while we wait for the sun to come up? Kestrel's coming for them tonight." Tsunami said and Frostburn ducked her head nervously not having though of that yet.

"I'll be fine. The guardians dont know i can do this. I guess its a good thing we never studied rainwings after all." Glory said as she changed her scales to match her surroundings.

"But Frostburn's white scales stand out like a sore claw...." Sunny said making the hybrid female duck her head again.

"If i weren't si big I could hid under one of you....maybe Glory can hide part of me and Starflight could hide the rest?" She suggested and glory made herself visible again.

"Its worth a try. She's our friend and Glory would still be hiding until i can find the entrance." Clay said and gently brushed his wing against Frostburn's wing. They nodded and Clay went to the river where he put a talon in before getting in the water. Before he could get too far Glory went to him and grabbed his tail with hers.

"Be Really, really careful, Clay." Tsunami said as Starflight ducked his head a little.

"Follow the current. If the river goes out into the world anywhere, the current will take you there." Starflight said making Clay worry a bit.

"Glory you and Frostburn need to hide." He said and she smiled softly.

"I'll never admit I said this, but....i would never have made it through the last six years without the five of you." She said and he smiled.

"Same here." He said and went to leave again only to have Sunny land on him.

"Dont you dare die!" She said and nuzzled him.

"You stay safe, too. I'll be opening that boulder before you know it." Je said and the small sandwing got off of him.

"Don't panic when you're down there. If you panic, you'll run out of air faster." Starflight said and Clay nodded before taking a deep breath and diving under the water. All of the others watched with hope and worry for the mudwing.

"Please don't die..." Sunny said quietly as she and Glory got out of the water.

Here it is! I tried to change it up a bit since my character is in the book.

Wings Of Fire: The Dragonet ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now