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"Stop making her mad!" Tsunami said and Clay looked at her surprised.

"Me? What did i do?" He asked confused and his friends rolled their eyes.

"Well you're a handsome idiot." Tsunami said with a small smile.

"She has a crush on you." Starflight said and Clay became surprised once again.

"She does?" He asked and Starflight rolled his eyes again.

"Its pretty obvious." He said and Tsunami gave an unamused expression.

"And she definitely doesn't want to hear you talk about leaving. Or about saving other girls." Tsunami said and the door opened.

"Ready to climb?" Peril asked as Clay spotted Scarlet behind her.

"Peril, look out! Its the queen! You can't be seen with us. She'll kill you! You have to hide!" He said as he pulled her in to hide her not realising quite yet that her fire wasn't killing him. After a moment he realised it and looked at her. Tsunami and Starflight were just as surprised.

"Why....why aren't you burning up?" She asked quietly as Scarlet landed and came in.

"So, you've finally figured it out. Mudwings hatched from blood-red eggs have fireproof scales. Didn't the talons of peace teach you anything?" Scarlet asked while looking at Clay and Peril. Clay let Peril go and faced his friends.

"But...Kestrel used to burn me in the cave..." Clay said quietly as Tsunami looked at him while Scarlet went to Peril.

"Remember how quickly you healed, though?" She asked and he nodded.

"Thank you, Peril. You may be excused." Scarlet said angering Tsunami and surprising Clay.

"Thank you...?" He asked and Tsunami lashed her tail a bit.

"Peril turned us in! I knew we couldn't trust her!" Tsunami said angrily as Scarlet glanced back at them while Peril left.

"Guards! Lock them up!" Scarlet shouted and several guards came to lock them up. On their way to their new cell they passed the icewing cell where Clay caught a glimpse of Frostburn who was sleeping away from the others. He wanted to stop and wake her up to tell her everything would be ok but he didnt know what these guards were like so he just kept walking.

"I dont understand why Peril betrayed us." Clay said and Tsunami huffed.

"Because she doesn't want to lose you. You great lummox. This is what happens when you're too nice to psychotic killer dragons." Tsunami said and Clay looked away.

"That's so sad. I guess she doesn't have any other friends." Clay said and Tsunami rolled her eyes.

"Stop feeling sorry for her!" She said angrily.

By the next morning Clay and Starflight were chained up in the front of the battle arena.

"Fellow dragons! Loyal skywings! Visiting mudwings! Honored sandwings guests! We have a full slate of thrilling games today!" Almandine announced loudly making the crowd cheer.

"But first, ley me welcome out honored guest, Queen Burn of the sandwings!" She said earning more cheers. Burn noticed Glory on her stand and scoffed.

"A rainwing pet? This is a frivolous kingdom." She said and Scarlet frowned with a glare.

"Careful what you say to your allies." Scarlet said then looked out at the arena as Almandine continued.

"First we have a so-called dragonet of destiny. Can she fulfil the prophecy? Let's see if she can survive the arena first." Almandine said as two guards pulled Tsunami into the arena. Naturally Tsunami was fighting against them making their job harder to accomplish.

Wings Of Fire: The Dragonet ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now