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"You think those skywings are searching for us?" Tsunami asked as Glory have an unamused laugh.

"Isn't it nice to be wanted?" She asked sarcastically as the others looked around.

Frostburn went to the water beside Clay and leaned against him.

"Im glad we are all out and together again. It was odd being away from all of you." She said and Sunny looked at Kestrel.

"Kestrel! I'm so glad you're all right!" Sunny said with a smile and Kestrel huffed.

"No thanks to you six. You wanted so badly to be free. Now do you see why we had to protect you?" She asked making Tsunami look at her.

"You're welcome. We could have left you there. I would have." She said and Sunny looked down.

"Oh, we did everything wrong. Blame us, but we did what the talons of peace asked." Kestrel said with a frown.

"We're not going back to the talons of peace." Tsunami said stubbornly and Sunny looked at her.

"We're not?" Sunny asked and Tsunami nodded as Kestrel let out a laugh.

"Oh? What's your magnificent plan?" She asked amused making Tsunami frown more.

"We're going to find our homes and our parents.  We're going to see this war firsthand and the figure out for ourselves what to do." She said and Kestrel huffed no longer amused.

"Fine. What do i care? You're on your own now, and good riddance."  She said and Sunny looked at her.

"Oh, Kestrel, you don't mean that." She said and Kestrel looked at Peril.

"Peril, are you coming?" She asked with a frown making Clay stop drinking.

"I thought you were coming with us?" He asked and Frostburn looked at him a bit concerned. She wasnt quite sure how safe she felt around the young skywing.

"I-I....dont-" Peril responded and Tsunami huffed.

"Over my charred, dead body." She said and Glory frowned.

"Why not? Maybe Peril's your missing dragonet. Your 'wings of sky.'" Glory said making Peril perk up.

"Oh, could i be?" She asked with hope.

"Wow. Do you think so?" Clay asked with a smile.

"'The largest egg in mountain high.' If you hatched with a twin, your egg must have been huge." Glory said as Clay looked at Peril with a smile.

"That's true! Maybe I'm part of your destiny!" Peril said excitedly only to be shut down by Kestrel.

"Not a chance. Peril hatched over a year before the brightest night. Your skywing died in the egg. I saw the shattered shell. Come with me. Im not much, but I'm better than Scarlet." Kestrel said and put her talon on Peril's shoulder only to be burned. Peril looked away.

"I can't go with either of you. How would I get my black rocks?" She asked and Kestrel looked at her.

"Tell me about these black rocks." She said snd Peril looked at her.

"You know, the rocks! I have to eat theme every day to stay alive." She said quickly and Kestrel scoffed.

"More of Scarlet's lies. You don't need anything like that." Kestrel said surprising Peril.

"But- i stopped taking them and got sick.." She responded and Kestrel looked at her.

"Poison in your food. One of Scarlet's favorite tricks." Kestrel said and Peril became angry melting the sand under her claws.

"Was anything she told me true?" She asked angrily.

"Scarlet? I doubt it." Kestrel said and Tsunami opened her wings a bit.

"Before you go, tell us what you know about our eggs. We deserve to know where we came from." Tsunami said and Kestrel sighed but nodded.

"No surprises with you. Webs stole your egg from the royal hatchery." She said making Tsunami give a surprised look.

"Tsunami! You really are royalty!" Sunny said just as surprised.

"Morrowseer brought us Starflight's egg. Dune found Sunny"s hidden in the desert, near the scorpion den. And before she died, a mudwing named Asha brought us your big, strong hero from the diamond spray delta. Where the lowest born mudwings live." She said and Clay's eyes widened.

"What about me?" Glory asked and Kestrel waved dismissively.

"Webs scrounged you up when we lost the skywing egg. I never asked him where. I knew you weren't important." Kestrel said and closed her eyes as Tsunami moved closer to her friend.

"Oh, go away! You're just mean all the time." She said and Kestrel took no offence.

"Everything i say is true." She said and Peril looked at her.

"I never imagined you like this." She said quietly making her mother look at her.

"I'm the way life made me. Take it or leave it." Kestrel said plainly.

"She's not the kindest dragon, but she did try to save you." Clay pointed out and Kestrel closed her eyes again.

"No. Not now. Maybe.....maybe someday." She said and Kestrel smiled a bit as she opened her eyes.

"Fine. I've been on my own before. When you realize you need me, send a message through the dragon at Jade mountain. Not that I'll come running. You deserve all the trouble you'll get." She said the opened her wings to take off.

"Well thank you for....something, i guess." Sunny said and Kestrel looked back at them.

"Listen, mudwing. You can't protect the others if you won't kill for them. Just think about that." She said and took off.

"It's ok, Clay. She doesn't really mean it." Sunny said as she stood beside him.

"Yeah. She does." He said then looked at Peril.

"You can still come with us. Even if you're not in the prophecy." He said as Frostburn put her front talons in the water.

"No. I don't think....i don't deserve to." Peril said and looked away.

"What does that mean?" Clay asked as Peril got ready to take off.

"Its like you said. There are dragons they write prophecies about.....and then there's me. You're the hero. I'm the bad guy." She said and Clay moved closer to her.

"You got us out of the sky kingdom." Frostburn said after a bit finally breaking her silence.

"Only because of Clay. Maybe we were both born killers. But I let myself become one. You chose to be something else. I'm staying here. It's where i belong." She said and Clay's wongs drooped a little.

"Dont you want to see the world outside the sky kingdom?" He asked and she picked up some sand.

"Not until i feel like the world can be safe from me." She said as Tsunami looked at the sky.

"Can we get going? Before we attract company?" Tsunami asked and Frostburn got out of the water.

"I'll wait till you're gone, then fly in a different direction. Maybe i can lead them away." Peril said and everyone nodded.

"Are you sure? What if Burn tries to punish you?" Clay asked and Peril looked at him.

"There's only one good thing about me. No dragon can hurt me. Except you." She said and Clay leaned against her a bit.

"That's not the only good thing about you, Peril." He said and she sighed a bit.

"You make me hope that's true." She said then took to the sky.

"When this war is over, come find me." She said then took off.


One more chapter before the Epilogue!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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