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"Starflight!" Clay said as he saw Starflight and Morrowseer come out of the cave they were in. Quietly Starflight walked over to his mudwing friend.

"What did he say to you? Are you alright?" Clay asked the quiet nightwing.

"Im not supposed to talk about it? I....have a lot to learn" He said quietly as he got onto a ledge with his scrolls.

"But you already know everything! You're the smartest dragonet in pyrrhia!" Clay said as he noticed Starflight looking for his favorite scroll.

"Its over here." He said and rolled it to him.

'His favorite scroll...he really is upset.' He thought as Starflight layed down.

"I thought he liked you. More than the rest of us anyway. Didn't he say what a great and noble dragon you must be because you're a nightwing?" Clay asked and Starflight closed his eyes.

"That's exactly what he told me, actually." Starflight replied and opened his eyes again.

"Did he say when you'll get tour powers?" Clay asked curiously.

"I need to study, Clay." Was all Starflight said making Clay frown a bit.

"What did he say about Glory and Frostburn?" Clay asked after a bit and Starflight frowned.

"Not much. He just said I'll take care of the rainwing anf the hybrid.'" He said as he continued to look over the scroll.

"What does that mean?" Clay asked a bit worriedly.

"How should I know? Maybe Glory will get to go home. Frostburn might be sent to the icewings soni guess maybe that will be her home." Starflight said and Clay began thinking.

'They'll never let that happen.' He thought then jumped some when a bunch of noise came from a separate part of the cave.

"Stop! You shouldn't have to do this!" Sunny yelled making Clay and Starflight worry. They both ran to see what she was yelling at to see Tsunami being chained up by the guardians.

"What are you doing? Let her go!" Frostburn shouted angrily. Her words went on heard as Kestrel used her fire to melt the chains together.

Morrowseer wrapped his tail around Sunny woth a frown and kept her from moving

"Why are you doing this? Tsunami's wonderful! If anyone can save the world, its her!" Sunny said as she frowned at Morrowseer.

"You'll regret this! When my family hears how you treated us-" Tsunami said with a snarl only to be cut off by Kestrel who was smirking.

"All your big dreams of your wonderful family. Nobody cares about you. When it's time to fulfil the prophecy, you'll be alive, and the talons of peace will have you. Thats all that matters. Maybe some time away from the river will teach you to be more grateful for what you have, seawing." She said with a snarl making Tsunami growl a little. Frostburn growled as well and snapped her jaws at Kestrel and Dune as they got close to her.

"One day all of you will regret the way you're treating them." She said and Dune used one of his claws to hit her snout causing the female to grunt.

"I'll be back tomorrow. To make sure everything has been....dealt with." Morrowseer said with a low growl as he looked at Kestrel.

"We understand." She said and the massive dragon left.

"Please don't leave her like this! I know you're not this mean." Sunny said as she tried to follow him only to be stopped by Webs.

"This is for your own good. We only want to keep you safe. Maybe this isn't the perfect way, but-" Webs said but Kestrel interrupted him.

"Nthe rest of you, got to bed. I don't want to hear a squawk out of anyone until morning." She said angrily.

"Really? What else are you going to do to me? What if i feel like singing all night?" Tsunami asked clearly tying to vex the large female.

"Oh no, not-" Glory went to say but Tsunami began singing anyways. Glory complained while the others sang along or hummed.

"We could chain your snout closed!" Kestrel said angrily but she kept singing. Eventually she put her claw near Tsunami's face.

"Or we could chain up your friends! Perhaps Clay would like to spend the night hanging from a stalactite! Or maybe Frosburn would like her wings clasped together?" She said and Tsunami stopped singing.

"Much better. You were all vile today. You're lucky we dont chain you all up." She said then left with the other guardians.

"By the time Morrowseer gets here, we have to make sure....." Webs said but got too far for the other to hear. Clay began tugging at the chains trying to free his seawing friend when she told him to stop.

"You have to find out what they're planning. Go!" She said in a hurry making him let fo of the chains. He went to the river amd got in so that he could listen to the guardians.

"There have to be five of them. What's he planning to do about that?" He heard one of them asked.

"He'll find us a Skywing. Like we should have had in the first place." Another said.

"Drowning would be simplest." Dune said as Clay got a bit closer.

"I joined the Talons Of Peace to stop killing dragons. I won't argue with Morrowseer. But I'm not doing it." Webs said making Clay sink back into the water a little.

"Ha. No one expected you to be any use." Dune said with an unamused snort.

"It has to be me. Im the strongest." Kestrel said as her voice trailed a little.

"Can you go through with it? After what happened to-" Webs tried to ask but she once again cut him off.

"Glory's just a rainwing and Frostburn is a useless hybrid. I'll do it tonight while they are sleeping. Tsunami's the only one who could have stopped me." She said and Webs looked at her.

"Clay will try. He's dumb as a rock, but he'll do anything for those five." He said and she huffed.

"Its not natural. Dragons shouldn't be that loyal outside their tribe." Dune said as he flicked a pebble away.

"I can handle Clay. Even if he finally let's out the monster inside, there's nothing he can do. Glory and Frostburn will be dead by morning." She said and Clay quickly but quietly went back to his friends to tell them what he had heard.

Here it is! I know this book isnt getting many reads but I'm having fun writing it. Those who are reading it i hope you enjoy it though! 😁

Wings Of Fire: The Dragonet ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now