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1016 words shawtys 😻
my snake was staring at me for the entirety of the writing of this chapter i kept getting distracted 😩😩

as stan hoped, and pretty much expected, his dad had gone down to his room and immediately passed out. stan had gone back to the roof; praying bill would get there before the sun started rising. he wouldnt mind sitting on the roof in the sunrise with his bestfriend.

stan waited for a few minutes, his legs still pulled up to his chest, his eyes just peaking out from behind his curly, still damp, hair. in a short while, stan could see bills silver bike getting closer in the distance. when bill was only a few feet away from his house, they made eye contact. stans eyes were watery and tired, while bills held concern and worry for his best friend.

stan stood up tenderly, holding up a finger as if to tell bill to wait there, before climbing through the window and making his way downstairs, trying to be quiet as to not wake his father up.

the front door to his two story home creaked open, and stan popped his head out. soon, he was fully outside, a loose sweater thrown over his shivering body.

"hey bill." he whispered, wrapping his arms around himself for some sort of warmth. bill did that for him, embracing stan in a tight hug, pressing against the cuts on his arms. the jew flinched before cowering back a little.

"stan? what- what did h-he do to you..?" bill loosened his grip on the smaller boy, moving his hands from his shoulders to his face, cupping it gently.

little actions like this made stan want to burst into tears. bill always did this; held him so gently and carefully, as if he was fragile. he was fragile, and bill knew that.

"it... it doesnt matter. can i stay at your place for the night...?" stans voice was low, quiet and gravely, a few breaks in the sentence from lack of water, probably.

bill dropped his hands back down to his side, causing stan to sigh softly. "of c-course you c-c-can, stan, but will you please-"

stan cut him off, shaking his head with a choked out sob. "i really, really dont want to talk about-"

"stan. im w-worried for you, you dont have to tell me a-a-anything but please, just let me know y-your safe here."

the silence felt like hours, days even, when in reality it was just a few seconds.

"bill i-" tell him what he does to you. "i dont-" tell him everything he does to you, it doesnt have to be kept a secret. "i dont want to talk about this here... he'll be up at any second, please can we just go to your house?"

bill took a second to think about it but eventually nodded, glancing behind stan at his house.

"d-do you want to g-get some clothes?" the thought popped into bills head right as stan began to walk away.

the jew only shook his head. "i dont want to go back inside."

"thats f-fine... you can b-borrow some of m-my clothes."

both boys flushed at the comment, stans heart beating rapidly (gay panic 🥰🥰). they walked for a while, bill holding his bike next to him. the walk to bills house wasnt long, it was actually quite short, but with stans knees buckling every so often, the trip was a bit longer.

bill took this time to notice how skinny stan looked, how his shivering body looked like it could collapse at any moment. with that being said, at this point it probably will collapse at any moment. the thought of stan blacking out sent shivers down his spine (and not in the seggsy way you read in smut, that would be a weird kink).

the stutter fucker (still love that name 😻) slipped his hand into stans, catching both boys off guard. bills eyes travelled from their connected hands to stans thighs and legs, catching a glimpse of the small but various cuts before looking up at the smaller boys face. theyre eyes met for the second time that night, bill giving stan a look that said "tell me everything when we get home". stan only nodded, the hand that wasnt held by bill beginning to shake from the late night cold.

his other hand was warm, of course, and a little sweaty from bills tight grip on him.

"bill... your going to break my fingers." letting out a breathy chuckle, stan tried loosening bill death grip on him.

"ah! s-sorry i-" he slipped his hand away from stans, wiping the sweat of on his jeans.

as soon as the two entered bills house, stan let out a content sigh at the warmth. his own house was always cold and unwelcoming, while bills gave him a feeling of saftey and protection, which i think is saying something.

"im guh-gonna get you cleaned up. when w-we get to my room p-please tell me what hes doing t-to y-y-you. please." bill pleaded quietly, afraid to wake georgie up.

stan simply sat down on the couch, avoiding eye contact, folding his hands neatly in his lap. he eyed bill as the brunette left to the bathroom.

after a minute, bill poked his head around the corner. "thank g-god, your still h-here. i though y-youd leave... or s-s-something."

"why would i do that? theres not really anywhere else for me to go, so.." stan cleared his throat as bill walked over with some medical supplies.

"yea w-well- sit still." bill got straight (you mean gay) work, gently pushing stans hair to the side to dab at his numerous scrapes.

the silence went on through the rest of the next hour, bill only speaking when he asked stan what his dad was doing to him. there was no answer from the sleeping boy, who had passed out on bills bed.

the brunette sighed before climbing into the bed behind stan, his eyes drooping until he couldnt keep them open.

"g-goodnight stan."

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