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Three splashes sounded below Stan; bodies dropping into water.

the Jew was frozen in fear. for some reason, he was scared to jump, to follow after his friends.


he had been jumping from the quarry for nearly 3 years, why was he all choked up now?

Stan felt a tap on his shoulder.

"S-Stan? still s-shaken up over the f-fight?"

thats right... Stan remembered... sort of. Richie got in a fight... with who? Beverly? no, thats not it. why didnt he remember?

"uh... yea. totally."

Stan remembered barely anything from the past few hours, but he remembered Myra, the disgusting make out session, Richie yelling. that was all, nothing more nothing less. although, he was pretty sure Bill had to drag Beverly away, or else she would beat the everlasti g shit out of Myra. he couldnt stop Richie, but Eddie could manage that if he felt it was necessary.


the stuttering mess looked up from the pile of clothes beneath him.


"what happened earlier? i dont seem to remember a whole lot..."

and so, Bill sprang into all the details, every punch and scream.

May 12th, 2017, Thursday
10:01 am

the bell rang right after Richie flung himself towards Myra. she was unprepared, shocked, and stumbled back into the locker door. the girl could barely fight back, she just kicked and screamed. people stopped in the halls, but everyone knew not to barge in.  Myra was a helpless, scared, and scawny- but easy- target. Bill was terrified to step in Richies way.

no one moved a muscel except for Richie, the crying Myra, and Eddie; who had absolutely no confidence. so how did he manage to make Richie stop?

well... he didnt. not exactly.

the fight went on for at least 2 minutes before the walking asthma attack yelled out.

"stop it!"

was the most he could muster. Stan was broken from his trance, Beverly slipped out of Bills grasp, and Richie was still throwing punches.

the three- Stan, Eddie, and Beverly- rushed forward to pull Richie off of the wounded girl beneath him. he was still yelling insults at her.

Stan didnt feel any pity as they pulled Richie off and away and looked at Myra; who was a mumbling, shaking mess. everyone watched in slight awe before Beverly spoke harshly to the group.

"move along! get to class!"

the students scattered, leaving the losers, plus Myra, alone in the halls. that is, until Stan heard footsteps walking down the hall.


Beverly mumbled as her gaze shifted to the principal, Mr. Winters. soon, everyone was watching him approach the ruthless teens.

"M-Mr. Winters!" Bill whisper yelled, earning a scared glance from Stan, and he scooted closer towards the brunette.

"well well... Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris... my own daughter. tch, i should have expected you 6 to be the cause of this."

Mr. Winters- who just so happened to be Myra's dad- clicked his tongue, disappointment plaguing his face.

"M-Mr. Winters, its n-not-"

"be quiet! who hurt her? who hurt my precious baby?"

Myra had a smug grin on her face as she watched her fathers wrath unfold. a hand flew up into the air. it was bloody and ragged, it was Richie.

"i did it, sir. and i dont regret it."

Rich spoke with full confidence, not knowing he would be suspended- and thoroughly scolded by literally everyone- in the next 2 hours.

it was only 12:00 pm, and ever since the fight, everyone gave odd glances towards the losers, and the day seemed to slug by. Myra was in the hospital for a possible broken nose, and Richie had been told to pack up and leave only 30 minutes before lunch. the losers sat in silence, Eddie finally back, but quiet.

Stan was sat next to Bill, Beverly on the other side of the Jew. Ben left early, something about his mom at the doctors, so it was just the 4 of them. after lunch, they agreed to meet at the quarry and talk things out with Richie and Eddie.

and now they were here, Bill explaining the situation to Stan, but Stan barely taking it in.

Richie was suspended, Eddie was quiet, and Myra was in the hospital? seemed like a long day.

and it got even longer.

733 words again uhh

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