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a soft breeze blew through bills auburn hair, his earbuds blasting music. it was only 3 in the morning, and bill had only been awake for a few hours, yet he felt like he hadnt slept in days.

the brunette sat by his window, watching a bird fly around aimlessly as his music switched from upbeat, to a more romantic tone.

"i need to cry, but i cant get anything out of my eyes or my head, did i die?"

bill closed his eyes as he listened to the song progress.

"i need to run, but i cant get out of bed for anyone. not for you, hun."

he wondered what stanley was doing right now. was he asleep?

"my sour boy,"

he started humming along.

"is a pain."

his surroundings blurring away as the lyrics continued.

"i wanna shoot him in the brain, but id miss him in the morning."

bill thought stan might enjoy this song.

"it really hurts when i need to so bad but i cant see-"

"him. my stanley, my special boy."

his special boy.

the humming stopped, and bill thought back to last night with stan.

he had fallen asleep. he hadnt kissed him, he had fallen asleep on stans shoulder, his imagination making that fake world just for him.


"i hope that she looks at me and thinks 'shit hes so pretty',"

"something i cant believe."

bill tossed his head into his hands with a groan, pausing the song to climb out his window and onto the roof. bill shuffled his playlist, which consisted of mostly cavetown, and opened up his messages, clicking on stans contact.

"pretty boy"

his fingers hovered above the keyboard before he typed out a greeting.


sorry im not sure if youre asleep or not

if you arent you should go to bed

bill closed his phone, leaning against the wall and listening to another cavetown song; this is home. after a few minutes, his phone buzzed.

pretty boy
Says you, why aren't you in bed?

you sound like my mom

i was thinking about you, pretty boy
you deleted a message

pretty boy



i just couldnt sleep is all

pretty boy
Why not?

too busy thinking about the next time id bone your mom :lipbite:

pretty boy

no staniel please forgive me 😿

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