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Stan stared at Bill, then shook his head and pulled a Richie.

"i fucked your mom."

Bill huffed, glaring at Stan playfully. "wow, h-how or-original." the brunette giggled and elbowed Stan.

the Jew stared into Bills deep blue eyes for a second, his heart beat quickening;

and then blinked.

Stan coughed awkwardly, causing Bill to stand up and chuckle.

"s-see something you l-l-like?"

he spoke softly, as if hoping Stan didnt hear him. he did, and the curly haired boys face turned bright red. he basically turned into Bill, stuttering out a response.

"wh-wha- no! i mean... n-no!"

Stan shook his head and burried his face in his hands, while Bill put his hands up defensively.

"i was j-just kidding, S-s-stan the m-man!"

Stan let out a breathy sigh, his head falling backwards against the wall.

"S-stan, are you o-ok? huh-hows your k-knee?"

the Jew didnt respond.

"d-do you nuh-need anyth-thing? food? w-water?"

Stan still didnt answer.


Stan peered over at Bill.


he fell silent again.

"hey Bill, can i ask you a completely hypothetical question?"

the brunette only nodded, turning his attention back over to Stan.

"if uh... if one of the losers had the hots for you... and they were a guy... what would you say?"

Bill tilted his head.

"w-why do y-y-you ask?"

"no reason! just curious..."

"w-well... were l-like family, i s-see Richie, Eddie, even M-mike as my brothers."

"do you see me as your brother?"

Bill shook his head.

"no... i mean, we've k-known each other for s-so long, sure, b-but i just... i c-cant see you as a b-b-b.. b-bro- ugh..."

the shorter boy sighed, and Stan immediately recognized his struggle.


Bill nodded.

"it f-feels weird... l-like i shouldnt s-see you as t-that."

Bill shrugged.

"so i guess... i-if anyone in t-the losers club l-liked me, i would t-turn them down. were family, i d-dont want sh-sh-shit l-like that happening."

Bill and Stan both chuckled.


the next day at school, Eddie avoided the losers. no one knew why, and the only people who seemed to care were Richie, Beverly, and Stan.

Beverly kept saying that it was Richies stench that finally drove the asthmatic boy away, which Rich didnt take lightly. Stan supposed Richie did something without even realizing it. but either way, Stan caught Eds hanging out with Myra throughout the day. the two looked uncomfortably close, too, which sent Richie into a frenzy when he found out.

"my poor Eds, having to be stuck with that monster!"

none of the losers liked Myra; she had taken Eddie away before, on multiple occasions.

once, when Richie said he wouldnt stop smoking while Eddie complained that he would get cancer and popcorn lungs, Myra came running to the group- in search of Eddie of course- and basically dragged him to the grave. Myra was quite the bitch, overprotective, controlling, kind of like Eddies mom. Eds hated beeing reminded of his protective mother, so he tried leaving Myra. at first, he succeeded, but then Richie went and got himself severely sick. Myra took it as a threat; but also a chance to steal back her precious Eddie Bear.

Stan hated how often Myra came back into their lives, no matter how many times they threw her out. everyone thought it was over- at least for a year- but now...

Myra was back; and this time they had no idea why.

Stan had apparently dazed off before 3rd period. he returned back to reality from a quick elbow to the side from Bill.

the brunette seemed to be staring at something- or someone- behind Ben, and gulped.

Eddie and Myra.

two centimeters apart.

making out in front of Eddies locker. gross.

Stan internally panicked, knowing full well that Richie would freak if he saw... that.

"Richie! why dont we skip 3rd and go to the quarry?"

Stan blabbered out, trying to keep his friend from looking behind him; but it was too late. Richie ignored Stans call and froze at the scene a few feet away.

he spat out a retort to the nasty creature next to Eddie.

"you bitch!"

733 words

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