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"s-stop trying to f-f-fuck me!" Bill screeched, stumbling backwards with a grin.

"i just wanted a hug!" Stan was doubled over laughing, clutching his stomach. "o-oh my god i cant breathe-"

"h-h-holy fuck." Bill wiped his eyes of the tears forming in them with another laugh, watching Stan.

Bill had had a little bit too much to drink, Stan didnt like alchohol too much, though.


Stan held back a laugh once more and stood up straight, nodding. "what?"

"i love you."

Stan opened his mouth to speak but let out a chuckle instead. "real sweet, but i wish you were sober."

Bill shook his head and stepped closer to Stan. "i mean it." he slurred, and Stan knew he didnt.

"you dont. you're drunk, let me get you some water."

"i d-dont need-"

before Bill could answer, Stan left the room with a sigh.

"he didnt mean it"

"Bills too good for you."

"you dont deserve him."

those thoughts constantly ran through Stans head. some may be true, some may not be. either way, he didnt care. its not like Stan loved Bill either, right? not in the way he implied it... he hoped. being gay- to most people- was disgusting. but Stan wasnt gay.

he just thought Bills eyes were beautiful. everytime he looked at the stutter fucker (a/n ; lmao i got that from another fanfic and i love it), he imagine holding his hand, even feeling the sweet taste of his lips pressed Stans, and the way he could hold him, love him-


what the fuck?

Stan didnt think of Bill like that. that would be gay.

no homo, am i right?

ew short chapter but im lazy again
sorry by the way, i didnt spell check this wkdksk

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