READ THIS 👹👹 pls

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so i kinda maybe lied about not writing anymore IT stuff,,
ive started taking a stephen king course at school this semester and got back into the fandom a bit :)

so i've decided to rewrite/redo this ENTIRE fanfic,, like from beginning to end
i like how i wrote the last few chapters and the way my writing has been just in general recently
so a new, rewritten and more thought out version of this will probably go up on my ao3 acc (z3ephyr) in a little bit (in a few months at the most, since im dealing with school, yearbook club, theatre and drivers ed all in the same couple months 😭😭 pray for me pls)

so go like
check out my ao3 works n shit idk
again if you cant access the website ill think about posting that stuff here on wattpad !! so lmk if thats a thing i should do
ok byr go follow my ao3 rn 🤯🤯💔

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