bye hoes

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uhhh hubba bubba, hey yall

so ive decided to like
completely discontinue this fic LOL
im not in the IT fandom as much as id like to be to be able to continue this, and ive just lost a lot of interest in the movie and characters,,,
i also genuinely hate how i wrote all of this
i didnt have a set plot, i kinda just pulled things outta my ass, and overall i just dont like where this story was going at all
im gonna go ahead and keep it up for those of you who enjoyed it, but no more new chapters are gonna be coming out, at least not for the foreseeable future lmao

but while youre here, go follow my ao3 account (z3ephyr) !! i plan on doing actual shit i enjoy so im not forcing myself to continue writing something i absolutely hate **cough cough**
theres gonna be a lot of jrwi podcast shit, mostly fish and chips and prime defenders, some irl jrwi boys sprinkled in there, and some other fandoms i'll probably end up being in

im kind of ditching this account if you think about it, but im not gonna be deleting it or wattpad anytime soon. if yall want i may post the fics i write on ao3 for those of you who arent able to access the website :)

thats all from me, later homos
dont forget to drink water and eat shit, love yall


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