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Bills body was soon engulfed with both a wet and cold feeling, his eyes squeezed shut. he expected pain, to be hit with sharpness and brutality, but it never came. he never felt the death upon him, although he thought he did at some point. he just heard a splash.
his splash.

he also heard cheering, right before he went under.

"hell yea! the faggot fell!"

Bill pushed himself down and waited for Bowers and his gang to at least start walking away. he couldnt hear all that well from the water in his ears, but he had a feeling the dickwads were gone.

Bill hurriedly moved his arms, his head soon breaking the surface as he gasped for air.

the brunette let out a breathless sigh and wadded in the water for a bit, before paddling towards a clump of large, probably burning rocks.

he pulled himself up and raked his eyes over the vast area the surrounded him, not realizing he was shivering.


his clothes were drenched, Bowers and his gang were probably demolishing his bike, and he was extremely tired. the brunette closed his eyes and leaned back against the rocks, laying in the vanishing sun. he was there for what felt like 3 hours, but was probably only 5 minutes, before something hit his stomach. he glanced down and let out a breathy chuckle, staring at the boy next to him. it was Stan, his hand in a loose fist against Bills stomach.

"hey Billy. i tried calling you, but no one picked up, not even Georgie."

Bill sat up abruptly. "s-shit! i forgot G-Georgie was still h-h-home!"

the Jew placed a hand on Bills shoulder. "dont worry, i stopped by. Richies bike was there, im guessing he came by to come talk to you, but you werent there, so i told him to keep an eye on Georgie." Stan explained.

Bill nodded.

and so did Stan.

the two sat in a comfortable silence before Stan laughed sadly.

"w-w-what?" Bill looked over at him, tilting his head.

"... what happened? i know you dont just jump with your clothes on..."

"o-oh yea..." Bill shrugged and turned his attention back to the darkening sky. "Bowers happened... again."

Stan huffed. "i wanna kick his fucking ass... he needs to leave you alone. what did he do this time?"

"y-yknow, the n-n-normal." the brunette raised his knees and sat crissed crossed, folding his hands gently in his lap. "called me a f-f-f... mmugh." Bill shook his head with a groan.

"... oh. i get it." Stan was this close to snapping. he wanted to stick up for his friends, but he couldnt even defend himself against Bowers. "hey, how bout you stay at my house tonight? im sure Richie wont mind watching Georgie for the night."

Bill head perked up at the offer, and he smiled. "s-sure."

once they reached the top of the quarry, Bill learned that Bowers did, in fact, tear up his bike. the handles were bent, the wheels were loose, it looked like a messed. Bill bent down next to Silver and sighed.


he stood back up and kicked at the remains of his bike. "i g-guess she was getting o-o-old." Bill bit his lip and stared at Silver before turning to Stan was a small smile.

"lets get going, Bill. theyre probably still lurking around here somewhere. and i uh... dont want you getting hurt..." Stan muttered the last part

Bill nodded, not hearing what the Jew said after that, and began walking.

today had been a very long day.

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