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lemme just yeet a cute filler chapter at yall because idk how to continue the story-
reddie AND stenbrough in this one uwu
so if you have any suggestions, message me akfkak
uh this does not relate to the storyline lmao

Eddie and Richie had been stuck in Richies basement for the past few hours due to the extreme heat outside.

Richie was surrounded by empty soda cans, chip bags, and other assortments of junk food. Eddie, however, had a simple salad placed on the side table next to him; of course.

they had only been playing chess for a half hour before Richie tapped out, saying he was "too tired for this" or "i suck, im out".

Eddie had won 5 matches, Richie hadnt won any.

now, they were just chatting about god knows what. Eddie was blabbering about some sort of cancer from smoking- Richie didnt give a fuck- before the phone rang.

Richie basically ran for the phone, and held it up to his ear.


Eddie hear a faint and familiar voice giggle from the speaker.

"hey Richie! me and Stan-"

"Stan and i."

"hmph... right, me and Stan were thinking of going to Derry Queen (a/n see what i did there), wanna join? you can bring your boyfriend!"

Eddies face turned a bright shade of red, while Richie just winked and responded to who Eddie assumed was Beverly.

"hell yea, me and Eds will be there in a bit!"

Eddie did the same thing Bev did to Stan.

"Eddie and i! and dont call me Eds, Rich."

Eddie set down his coffee (a/n dude im obsessed with coffee-) next to his half eaten salad, and sighed.

Beverlys muffled voice suddenly came through the line as a yell, while it seemed that Stan tried to grab the phone from her.

"oh mah gawd, Rich, you never denied Eddie being your boyfriend im s-"

the line cut off as Richie set the phone down, grinning.


meanwhile, on the other side of town, Ben, Bill, and Mike were cooped up in an empty barn on Mikes farm.

they had been sitting there, playing with hay for at least 2 hours now. luckily, it was nice and cool due to the river that brought the chilly air into the barn.

Beverly didnt bother to call; she knew the three would rather stay in the barn.

and so, Mike convinced the other two boys to play truth or dare. it took a lot more convincing for Bill, but he gave in and said they were being annoying.

they started the game off simple, stupid dares like "eat a piece hay" or "stick your head in the river". the truths werent that exciting either, except for a few. hell, if Richie was there he would have made everyone fuck...

"aight, Bill!" Mike smiled at the brunette, whose hair was now ruffled and damp from jumping into the river. all three of their bodies were sticky with sweat (e w), and in Bills case, mud aswell.

"t-t-truth!" Bill yelled back.

Mike stared at Bill in thought.

"do you like anyone? if so, who?"

'oh shit-' Bill thought, wondering for a second. "uh... m-maybe?"

Bens head lifted up so quick Bill thought it was going to fly off, and grinned widely.

"who is it? cmon, spill the beans!"

Bill looked down at the ground an started picking at it again.

"S..." he whispered a name, barely audible to the other two.

"wha- Billll, speak up!" Ben whined. "cmon! i bet its Beverly! shes a total cutie!"

Ben was rarely this energetic and excited, but Mike thought it was a good idea to pump coffee, red bull, AND soda into his system. the chubby boi was basically bouncing off the walls.

Bill shifted uncomfortably, feeling their eyes on him.

"Stan..." he grumbled.

643 words 🙄

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