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"ow, bill that hurts!" stanley uris gasped, his leg bent at an angle so bill denbrough could scrub at his cut knee.

bill, richie and stan had all been biking around Derry in an attempt to take their minds off of school and all their incoming "end of year tests". eddies mom had him cooped inside the house.

pedaling slower, stan let bill catch up to him, and started a quick conversation about nature. stan kept his mind focused on birds, but bill was paying attention to both the road ahead and his best friend.

stanley looked over at bill for a split second before letting out a muffled gasp as his hand slipped. the loosened grip on the bikes handles caused them to spin slightly to the left, sending stan tumbling down into the stream they were biking next to.

stan, with his knees and hands planted in the water, coughed, and bill was down on his knees, laughing uncontrollably as stan groaned.

the curly haired boy sat on the ground for a bit before a slim figure leaned over him. bill stared down at stan, who closed his eyes, his knees aching with pain. the two heard richie yell from a little ways away.

"true loves kiss will wake 'em up, big bill!"

bill yelled back a harsh 'beep beep richie' at the ravenette and rolled his eyes, kneeling down next to stan.

"s-stan? you g-good?"

stan squinted up at the boy above him and groaned again. "eh..." He moved around gingerly, his curly hair plastered to his face from the chilly water, and stared at his knee. he leaned his head back and sighed.

"c-can you st-stand?"

stan attempted to bend his knee, only to wince in pain, the cuts on his knees not to deep, but stan was the overdramatic one.

"guess thats a n-no." bill turned around. "g-grab onto m-my shoulders." he muttered, just loud enough for Stan to hear. stan nodded, wrapping his arms around Bills neck, trying not to choke him (kinky).

bill stood up, struggling to without nearly dropping stan a few times. bill wasnt the strongest person, he was actually quite weak, despite all the junk richie made him lift when they went to the junkyard for spare car parts.

the brunette let out a breathy sigh, which made stan immediately self conscious about his weight. "uh... bill?" bill nodded. "you dont... you dont have to carry me-"

bill shook his head which caused the curly haired boy to laugh a little. "fine."

the two shared a quick glance at richie, who payed no attention the gayness in front of him. "jeez, stan, I told ya not to fall for him!" richie said a matter-of-factly, shaking his head disapprovingly, which caused stans face to heat up.

"beep beep richie..." he mummbled, grasping onto bill tighter, his legs now wrapped around his torso.

"that's gay, stan." richie retorted, kicking at the dirt and picking up his bike from the ground. he got on it, beginning to pedal away into the darkness that started to form around the town. bill checked the watched on his wrist and sighed again, holding onto stan. "w-ee should g-get back... how you h-holding u-u-up?"

stan stayed silent for a little bit before nodding. "ill be fine, its not like im gonna die or something." he joked.

in a matter of minutes they were stopped in front of bills house. his parents left town for a business trip and wouldnt be back for another few days, so bill was stuck to babysit georgie for a week.

and now they were here, stan sitting on the bathroom counter while bill cleaned him up, laughing occasionally.

"s-sorry, stan, b-but its gonna f-f-fucking hurt." bill smiled and turned his attention to stans face.

He got lost in his eyes.

Of course, the silence got more and more uncomfortable by the second, so stan snapped his fingers. "helloooo, earth to bill."

the brunette blinked. "oh. sss-s-sorry, i uh..." bill blinked again, flustered and annoyed, then shook his head. he finished cleaning up stans knees and stood up, sighing. "n-next time, you should b-be more c-c-careful."

bill picked up the damp, blood covered cloth and washed it off in the sink, glancing at the boy on the counter. He noticed another cut just along his cheek.

"j-jeez, stan..." he dampened the rag, lifted it to stans cheek, and started to clean it. both boys were flustered at this point, and stan stopped bill by grabbing his hand.

"... bill, I uh... I gotta tell you something." stan gulped as bill nodded.

i rewrote this one :lipbite:
796 words

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