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sorry i havent updated in a hot minute 😫 also new title bc yes :) my writing has improved i swear

three broken beer bottles lay on the ground in stans room. his bed sheets were messed up and torn, and his window was pulled wide open. sitting on the roof, sobbing, was stan himself; cuts scattering his knees and arms, his legs pulled up to his chest as he curled himself into a ball. the boys eyes were squeezed shut as he attempted to ignore the pain in his limbs and focus on breathing, something bill would tell him to do when he had panic attacks.

stans cat sat next to him on the tiled roof (stan has a cat now ig 🙄), flicking its tail and occasionally rubbing against stans thigh. he payed no attention to it, instead replaying the scenes of the past half hour.

stan was sat on his bed, his back against the numerous pillows he kept, legs crossed and a lined sheet of paper on his lap. he did this often, wrote about his feeling on paper. sure, it was risky incase his parents found them; specifically his dad. his notes had plenty of questions towards himself, mostly regarding his sexuality. if his dad ever found them... well...

stan was always very cautious when in this state of mind; vulnerable, confused, never paying attention to anything but his writing; but it got tiring very quickly. he constantly remembered exact times of when his dad got home, exactly when he'd park in the driveway, and how much time he'd have to hide the notes.

his father must had forgotten something at home, or gotten home from work earlier then expected, because he pulled into the driveway quietly. stan had taken a break from writing for the day, leaving his most recent letter on his bed while he went to get some air and to take a shower, which was much needed. the mistake on his part was leaving the letter out in the open.

his father made his way up the stairs, not wanting to disturb his son when he heard the water running in the bathroom. the walk to stans room was quick, seemingly rushed, as stans dad threw the door open. he scanned the room, taking in the neatness and smell, before his sons bed caught his eye. he had seen the letter, gently unfolded it, and began to read. by the end of it... he was furious.

his son? gay? impossible, he raised stan better then this, hadnt he?

the bedroom door clicked open, a wet haired stan standing in the doorway, a t shirt that was way to big for him thrown over a pair of shorts.

"oh- hey dad, youre home." he stopped when he saw what his father was holding, gulping.

"mind explaining this, stan?" his father growled, reading a sentence from the paragraph on the paper.

"i think i like someone, i dont know of i really do but... he makes my heart flutter."

"dad i- i didnt right that, obviously, being gay is a sin and-"

his father didnt hesitate to throw the bottle held in his hand at his son, chucking it at the boy in front of him sharply. stan ducked to the side, the bottle shattering from the impact against the wall, shards of grass landing on the ground and all over stanleys back.

"dad, stop it, i-" stan held his hands over his head as another bottle was thrown loosely at him.

"no- son of mine- will be gay!" he spurred out in between chucks and hits at stan. his dad took the paper and ripped it roughly, tossing the pieces down at the mess he made, stan cowering in the corner. his arms and knees had cuts and bruises forming slowly.

as his fathers storm calmed, he kneeled down next to his son, stanley almost throwing up at the hot breath on his ear.

"if i hear you talking about liking a boy ever again, your ass will be up and out of here. fucking got it?"

"y-yes." stan squeaked out, not opening his eyes.

"i wanna hear a 'yes sir', boy."

there was silence for a moment before stan muttered the phrase "yes sir."

and that leads us hear, stanley still shaking. bill had probably called his house phone a bit at the scheduled times they had made for each other. stan told bill to only call him when his dad was at work. seeing as his dad picked up the phone instead of stan, bill was already racing to stans house. god how he hoped his father was passed out in his room...

awooga new chptr !! 752 words :)

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