
197 11 29

homophobic slurs/bullying

Stans day had gone to shit.

he had gotten back from the quarry at around 6 pm to his father sleeping on the couch; another beer bottle slipping out of his sweaty hand.

Stan grabbed the bottle gingerly, glad he hadnt gotten home when his dad was awake, drunk, and angry.

the Jew placed the bottle on the coffee table and slowly trudged up the stairs and towards his room.

he flopped down on his bed and relived the past fews days. first, going for a bike ride and staring into Bills dreamy, deep blue eyes-




no, Stan didnt think they were dreamy. just blue, right?

great, now he was confused. the Jew smacked his head gently and groaned, sitting up.

"what the hell am i thinking?"

he mentally scolded himself and layed back down, his thoughts running around his head as he drifted off.

Bill stayed at the quarry for a little longer then the other losers. he sat by the edge, his feet dangling off, and let the wind blow gently through his hair.

a few minutes passed before he heard shuffling behind him, and turned around to reveal a group of three, muscular and scary looking guys.

"B-B-Bowers?" shit.

Henry grinned, noticing the fearfully look on Bills face.

"B-B-Bill?" he teased.

"hey fag" Patrick Hockstetter, a skinny, black haired kid spoke up.

Patrick was standing next to Victor Criss, who stared at Henry awkwardly.

the three stood there, and he could see something clearly in Henrys hand.

a knife?!

Bill froze, but if he backed away he would fall into the quarry, and his baggy clothes would give him no mercy and sink him down. but was it his only option?

Henry started towards him with the knife, while Patrick grinned behind him.

Bill instinctively started stepping backwards, giving himself himself no time to think, and noticed his foot didnt land on solid ground...


ew, i know its a short chapter, but i want to end with a cliffhanger and uHm im lazy lmao

and i needed to update this 👁👄👁

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