Chapter 10 - "I'm Not Like That, Don't Worry..."

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room, and I am greeted with a pounding headache

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room, and I am greeted with a pounding headache. To make things even better I barely have any recollection of last night's events. I roll over to the other side of the bed so that my body is facing the opposite direction and lock eyes with Blaise. He is wearing nothing but a towel and is standing in front of a mirror, He must be getting ready for the day. I feel myself sit up so fast I could have given myself whiplash. Shit shit shit. "Wha- What time is it?" I ask the boy in a panic. I see him give a light laugh, "Relax Larke. It's 10:00am, and it's Saturday." I feel a slight weight lifting off of my shoulders as I take his advice and relax my body once again. Wait. I have many problems due to what is going on right now, and that only fixes one of them. At least we don't have classes today.

I turn my back to the confused girl for a moment and grab a glass of water that is resting on my dresser

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I turn my back to the confused girl for a moment and grab a glass of water that is resting on my dresser. I hand the glass to her and she looks relieved. "Thank you, my head is killing me." she groans, I can tell that she is dealing with one killer hangover. "Just drink up, it will help." It is silent for maybe 7 minutes while I am continuing getting ready in my bathroom and Brynn is trying to gather her thoughts. "Blaise?" her small voice breaks the silence in the room. I pop my head out of the and look into her eyes, "What's up, Larke?". She looks almost nervous to ask her question. "Um...Did we-" "No, of course not," I cut her off because there was no need for her to finish her sentence, "You were drunk. I could never do that. I'm not like that, don't worry. Not only that, but I slept on the couch." I nod my head in the direction of the couch across the room. I see a look of relief wash over her face. "Now go on, Angelina is probably looking for you." I say in a hushed voice. Do I really want her to leave though?

"Now go on, Angelina is probably looking for you

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"Now go on, Angelina is probably looking for you." I hear Blaise say to me. But what if I don't exactly want to leave? No, he is right, I should go and Lina is definitely looking for me. "Yeah you're probably right." I go to look up at him, but my line of vision seems to have gotten stuck on his toned body. Damn. I must have let my eyes linger for a bit too long because I hear his voice chime in, "Like what you see?" I can feel my face flush to a light shade of red, "You wish Zabini." Well played Brynn, well played. I get up from his bed, still wearing my outfit from last night and begin walking to the door to leave his dorm. Before I walk out I look back to him just to shoot a quick "Thank you." his way, earning a nod from him in response. What can I say, he saved me from Adrian at the party and let me take over his dorm for the night. As I am about to close the door, I feel someone open it back up. My hazel eyes meet his brown ones for a brief moment. "Tutoring later tonight Larke...Don't forget this time."

I step inside my dorm, and I am left alone with my thoughts. I am feeling so many emotions in this moment with what happened with Adrian and with what happened with Blaise just moments ago. I can't really be falling for Blaise Zabini...Can I? Would it really be so bad if I was? 

One thing that Brynn does not know is that Blaise is thinking the exact same thing as her. What could the future hold?

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