Chapter 8 - "She's Not Going..."

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"You're late

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"You're late. Again." I hear Blaise's taut voice. I don't even bother saying anything in response this time, I just silently sit down in the seat across from him at our table in the back of the library. I don't dare sit beside him tonight due to his foul attitude and the fact that he is visibly annoyed, not to mention that it is my fault. I sit down and try to start on my work right away. I want to get out of her as soon as possible. Blaise doesn't really seem to be in the talkative-mood tonight so even if I do end up needing help on my work, I'm just going to ask Draco or Lina later. Every time I try to get focused and buckle down on my schoolwork my mind wanders off and I keep getting distracted. I guess that it doesn't really matter much since Blaise is not paying any attention to me whatsoever. "I'll be right back, I just have to go look for a book." Blaise says to me in a monotone voice. I do nothing but shrug my shoulders at him. I quickly move my gaze from my piece of parchment up to the boy who is now standing up. All I see is him roll his eyes and walk to find the book that he needs.

Now that Blaise is gone I finally start to actually do my schoolwork. Once again, I get distracted but this time the root of my distraction is the small voice of a first year. "Um. Brynn?" I look up just to see a young boy handing me a folded piece of parchment. I can't recall his name, but I've seen him around the Slytherin common room a few times. "It's from Pucey." The boy says in a rushed voice. As soon as I take the material from him, he turns on his heels and walks out of the library faster than you can say 'Salazar' and also before I can even thank him or ask what the letter is about. I shake my head in confusion and begin unfolding the parchment. I look up for a moment to see Blaise's tall figure still walking up and down the many isles filled with a wide variety of books. I finish unfolding it and begin to read the messy handwriting that is written.

Can we talk about something later?

- A.P

Adrian? That's weird but alright. "Who's that from?" I look up to Blaise slightly hovering over me while trying to read what is written on the parchment. I quickly rip the parchment away from his gaze and stuff it into one of the pages in my potions book while giving Blaise a why-are-you-being-so-nosey kind of glare. "Come on Larke, Just tell me." He says in a joking way, but something tells me that he's not fully joking. I roll my eyes and say "Not that it's any of your business, but it's from Adrian." "Pucey?" He interrupts "Yes, Blaise. Adrian Pucey." I retort back. "Well, what does he wa-" "I think that we should head back to the common room don't you think?" I cut him off. Our walk back to the common room is once again filled with uncomfortable silence. The first thing that I see when entering the large room is Adrian Pucey sitting on the couch. "Oh Brynn! Come here for a second." With that, Blaise lets out a quiet but noticeable scoff. I see him sit in one of the chairs inside the room, pick up a random book that another student probably left, and begin reading it. I make my way over to the couch across from Adrian and begin listening to what he has to say and as soon as I sit down Adrian turns to me and begins talking.

"Anyway, thanks for meeting me. I really want to ask you something." He says with almost a flirty tone to his voice. "Oh um, sure. What's up Adrian?" I shyly respond. "So there is a party tomorrow night, and I was wondering if you wanted to come." In the past I would have said yes to a party instantly but last term I had kind of a bad experience with a super drunk Miles Bletchley, who plays keeper on Slytherin's quidditch team, which kind of ruined parties for me a bit. I usually try to keep to myself unless Angelina and Draco drag me along to a party that they are going to...which happens more often than you would think. Before I get the chance to politely decline Adrian's offer I hear a deep voice coming from across the room...right where Blaise is sitting.

"She's not going to the party

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"She's not going to the party." I say without thinking. I look up from the book that I was reading just to see two sets of eyes, Brynn and Pucey are both staring at me. Adrian looks rather angry if you will, I couldn't care less about him though. "Got something to say, Zabini?" Pucey said mockingly while standing up to walk over to me. "Yeah actually I do. I said that Brynn is not going to the party." I respond while also standing up. "I think that the decision is up to Brynn to make, and I think that she should come." Adrian says back, I see him turn his head and wink at Brynn. At this point my blood is boiling because I know that he only wants her for one thing. I can feel my once calm hands turning into fists that are glued to the sides of my body and I can feel my face heating up in anger. I move my line of vision to now look over Adrian's shoulder and I can see Brynn stand up from the couch and walk over to me. She places her small hands on both of my wrists in an attempt to calm me down. I can feel just a fraction of the pent-up anger that I have for Adrian leave my body simply with the touch and feeling of her hands. "Hey Adrian, I think that it would be best for you to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow, thanks for the invite." Her voice is so soft at this moment it almost calms me down completely.

Once Adrian is clear out of the common room Brynn releases her grasp on my wrists. I can tell that she is bitter. "Hey Brynn look i-" I try to explain myself and why I got so angry about a damn party. "You can NOT tell me what to do! You really think that after how you have treated me, I am going to listen to you, who do you think you are?!" I'm sure that everyone in the school can hear the venom in her voice but like the stubborn-ass that I am, I decide to retort back with, "I'm Blaise Zabini and you are going to listen to what I am telling you. You really shouldn't go to that party Brynn. I'm helping you out trust me." The girl in front of me stands there for a moment as if she is coming up with another snarky comment to say next. "Well Blaise Zabini...I don't have to listen to anything you have to say, and I won't. And trust you?! Blaise you've barely spoken to me in five years, and you expect me to trust you?!" At this point I can vividly see that she is trying to hold back tears. Then she slapped me. Hard. I can't even be cross with her because I definitely deserved that. Brynn swiftly turns on her heel and goes to storm off in the direction of the Slytherin prefect dorms dorm but I quickly, but gently grab her wrist. I say to her in almost a whisper "I'm sorry." And with that she pulls away, and I am left in the common room by myself.


How did you guys like this chapter? Let me know! Now regarding my story...Without spoiling too much, all that I am going to say is that this is just the beginning ;)

- b

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