Chapter 13 - "Goodnight, Larke."

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"Listen up

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"Listen up. As I said before, this project is worth quite a bit of your grade so if you fail, it will be a lot more work for you but more importantly for me. Just continue studying. I will be back." And with that, Snape dramatically leaves his classroom...per usual. Whenever Snape speaks, his dull voice just goes in one ear and out the other to be quite honest. I quietly laugh at my previous thought and begin studying. Moments later, I feel someone slightly nudge my shoulder. I look to my left just to see Blaise holding out a folded piece of parchment. I take the parchment from him while also shooting him a confused and skeptical look. "Open it." Blaise whispers. I roll my eyes and open his note.

Library after class?

- You're fav ;) 

I look up at Blaise and shoot him a smile and a nod. Blaise returns a smile and begins to study his textbook. After maybe 15 minutes of "studying", I can feel myself growing tired and getting lost in my thoughts. I begin to think about how only a few months ago Blaise acted like he wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Where Blaise and I are currently at is definitely not perfect, but it's progress. As soon as Snape excuses the class, Blaise and I are up and out of that classroom faster than ever.

"The homework that Sprout gave us is ridiculous. I don't think I'm going to do it." Blaise complains. I roll my eyes at him. "You are supposed to be the smart one here!" I jokingly respond. "Hey," Blaise slows his pace and lightly takes hold of my chin with his hand to make me look at him. "You are smart, Brynn." Blaise says with a genuine smile. At this point we have stopped walking and we are just staring into eachothers eyes for what feels like an eternity. Our trance is broken by a strident voice coming from a couple feet away. Adrian Pucey. "Brynn, hey!" Adrian begins to jog to where Blaise and I are currently standing. Once Adrian made it over to where we are standing, he speaks up once again. "Zabini." Adrian says in a tout voice while narrowing his eyes at the boy standing next to me. Blaise is not interacting with Adrian at all, he is just glaring at him. I decide to break the tension by speaking up. "Um, Hi Adrian. Can I help you with something?" I question. "I actually want to talk to you...Alone." Adrian says while shifting his gaze to Blaise and with that Blaise begins to step in front of me, separating me from Adrian. "Hey. It's okay." I say while placing my hand on Blaise's arm in an attempt to calm him down. "I'll be fine, It will just take a minute. I'll meet you in the library." I smile at him. Blaise glances down at me and then back at Adrian. "Whatever." Blaise sneers, while shoving past Adrian and making his way to the library.

"Sorry about Blaise, He's just-"

"Why are you with him?" He asks sharply.

"I- um..." I try to excuse myself but feel a hand tightly latch onto my wrist, making me jump. "He's not who you think he is. Know the full story." He demands. My eyes widen and I feel frozen in my current position. I hear someone call my name from the end of the now empty corridor just moments later. I recognize the voice as Blaise's, probably wondering what is taking me so long. I pull away from Adrian's grasp and walk right past Blaise and into the library. I stop walking once I am standing in an empty isle of shelves near the back of the room. "Brynn. There you are." Blaise stated, wearing a face of worry. "What did he say to you?" He inquired. "Nothing. Nothing happened." I lied. "I can read you like a book, don't lie to me Brynn. What did he do?" Blaise asked once more. I look at him. He looks different. I see the genuine worry and care written all over his face. The reasonable thing to do would be to just tell him what Pucey said and did...but me being stubborn I decide to handle it completely differently. "Stop acting like you care when you don't." I snap at him and attempt to walk away but with Blaise's quick reflexes, he gently grabs both my face with both of his hands to make me face him. All that I can see is annoyance, anger, and hurt in his eyes. "You're Brynn Larke. Of course I fucking care." Blaise says in a voice that is like a mix of a growl and a whisper.

Silence. Tension. Need.

This is what I am feeling at this moment. Our faces are so close together, I can feel Blaise's breath on my face.  

"Please tell me that you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you." He whispers.

"Then do it."

He pulled me into him, connecting our lips. I melt into the kiss almost immediately. It feels all too natural. His lips feel warm and soft against mine. He is slow and gentle yet he is kissing me with such passion.

He pulls away all too soon, my face still in his hands. "Well..." He begins, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." I give him a slight smile and then look down to try and hide the blush that is flooding onto my face. After a moment, Blaise breaks the silence again. "Come with me." He says with a smile while grabbing my hand directing me out of the library. We stop walking once we make it to our dorms. "I thought we were studying in the library." I say while giving him a questioning look. "Change of plans," He says while unlocking his door to his dorm. "We are studying in my dorm tonight." Blaise holds out an arm, inviting me in. Blaise sits with his back resting on the headboard of his bed and I am laying on my stomach next to him, doing schoolwork. After maybe 3 hours of Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, Blaise speaks up. "Okay, I am going to take a shower. Um, you can leave or stay...whichever you'd like." He says while rubbing the back of his neck. "I think I'll stay for a bit longer, I have to finish this assignment." I respond with a smile.

I walk out of my bathroom changed and ready for bed, just to see Brynn asleep in my bed with her books and schoolwork scattered about

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I walk out of my bathroom changed and ready for bed, just to see Brynn asleep in my bed with her books and schoolwork scattered about. I look at her for a moment, I can't stop the slight smile that is forming on my lips. I am neatly putting everything back into her school bag when I hear her wake up. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to wake you...You go back to sleep, I'll sleep on the couch." I turn and begin to walk in the opposite direction when she speaks up, "Blaise?" I turn around to face her. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch." she says quietly. "Are you sure, Larke?" I ask. "I'm sure." she whispers tiredly. We both get under the blanket and Brynn moves in close to me, her back to my front. I hesitantly wrap my arm around her torso, to hold her.

"Goodnight, Larke." I whisper. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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