Chapter 7 - "Ugh, Get a Room You Two..."

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"Alright I think we are done here

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"Alright I think we are done here. Don't you think, Zabini?" I hear the girl in front of me say. 


I usually don't mind it when people only address me by my last name, it makes me feel kind of powerful or superior I guess. Not many people really care to use my first name. I'm not really sure, but when Brynn used only my last name it was different. It felt different

I see Brynn leave the library angrily and she has the full right to feel that way. I gather all of my things, and I am on my way to my dorm. Once I arrive at the perfect dorms, I look to the door across from mine. Brynn's dorm room. I am standing there for probably 10 minutes debating whether I should knock on her door and explain everything right then and there. You've done enough for one night, Blaise. I think to myself as I enter my own dorm. I walk over to my bed and sit there for a while with my head in my hands, and think about the past. I don't think that I want this anymore. What I want is Brynn back.

Time Skip!!

On Fridays Angelina, Draco, and I usually spend the time after our last class in one of our dorms and since I have my own room now they have been coming here

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On Fridays Angelina, Draco, and I usually spend the time after our last class in one of our dorms and since I have my own room now they have been coming here. "So Brynn, how has tutoring with Zabini been?" Draco asks as he lays sprawled out on my queen size bed. Quite a funny sight, I can't help but giggle at him. I get up from my spot on the floor and lay down sprawled out on my bed next to him. "It's actually been better, it is barely tolerable." I respond. It's true, meeting with Blaise has been a tad bit better ever since the fiasco that happened the first night that we had tutoring, but not by much. Our "relationship" is nowhere near perfect, but at least now I am getting the tiniest bit of respect from him. About time.

"Speaking of that, when do you meet with him next?" Lina asks. That reminds me. "Wait, what time is it." I ask my best friends frantically. "Uh, It's 8:00 pm. Why?" Draco chuckles. "Shit, Shit, Shit. I have to go." I frantically spring up out of my lying position on my bed next to Malfoy and grab my books and other studying materials. "Bye guys, got to go." I look behind my shoulder before leaving my dorm room just to see Lina now laying beside Draco. "Ugh, get a room you two." I say while executing a fake gagging motion. "Well Brynn, now we have one." Draco says, giving me a wink. "Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting." And with that I am leaving my dorm laughing and shaking my head. 

I am trying my best to get to the library as soon as possible considering the fact that I am already almost 10 minutes late at this point. I get to the library and make my way over to the table that Blaise and I always work at with an embarrassed expression, due to the fact that I am late for the second time now. 

"You're late. Again." 


Hey guys, I am so sorry if this chapter is terrible and that it took so long for me to publish. I am having MAJOR writers block at the moment, and I am having no motivation to write anything. I hope to be back and better than ever soon! I will definitely be continuing to write & publish, but it might be at a slower pace than usual. I hope that you guys understand <3

- b

All This Time? ; A Blaise Zabini fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now