Chapter 10 - "So Just Friends?..."

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After I quickly clean myself up from last night, I make my way to the Great Hall to get something to eat

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After I quickly clean myself up from last night, I make my way to the Great Hall to get something to eat. I walk towards the Slytherin table and immediately, my eyes search for Lina. I find her sitting in a group of three with an open seat next to her. Draco is sitting next to Blaise and Lina is sitting across from Draco. Awkward much?  I wake up in my ex-bestfriend's room, confused as ever, and now I have to sit across from him and pretend that nothing happened?! Fun.

I make my way over to the open seat to the right of Lina, I slightly shake my head and let out a quiet laugh to myself. Due to people being consumed by their own conversations and meals, nobody is really paying attention to me or more-so, the fact that I walked in far later than everybody else did. I arrive at my spot at the table, earning light smiles from the three.

"Well there you are sunshine, rough night?." Draco jokes. I sit down and lean my head on Lina's shoulder, "Yeah, something like that." I ever-so-slightly shift my line of vision from Draco's blue eyes to Blaise's brown ones just for a moment and then returning to my plate of food. "Yeah, where did you go last night? I'm pretty sure I heard Pucey's loud ass mouth and then didn't see you the rest of the night." Lina questions while tilting her head, she is also giving me a certain there-is-definitely-something-that-you-aren't-telling-me kind of look. 

I can feel my eyes widen just the slightest bit. Blaise is looking at me with the same expression as Lina is wearing, wondering what I am going to say. Merlin, this is torture. I unintentionally stay silent for only a few moments while trying to figure out what the fuck I am supposed to say to that.

I am snapped out of my short-lived trance to the sound of Blaise clearing his throat to get me to say something. "Oh yeah, I just got tired and went to my dorm. No need to worry!" I said with a smile, trying to fake it. Wow Brynn, real smooth. I get slightly confused looks from them all, but I also earn a light chuckle from the boy sitting across from me. I give him a light kick to the leg in return with a sarcastic smile.


I enter the library and begin walking to the very back of the room where our table is. "Nice little lie that you told earlier, Larke." A voice begins, making me jump slightly. "It almost was...believable." I snap my head around to see Blaise leaning on one of the many tall bookshelves. "Haha, very funny. Now come on, let's get to studying." I say then lightly, but still forcefully grab his wrist and pull him to the table, mostly just to end that conversation.

After maybe 20 mins of actually effective studying, I hear Blaise chime in. "You didn't really have to lie, you know?" And tell our best friends that I woke up in your room with no context, no thanks. "Hmm alright and how exactly do you think that that conversation would have played out?" I smirk and ask him in return. "Okay, okay I get what you are saying." He says while standing up from his seat across from me. He then takes the seat to the left of me and leans closer to my ear, "...but I was just being a good friend, no?" I could hear that his voice got deeper, almost sounding like a whisper.

I am trying my best to resist my body tensing up and feeling a shiver go down my spine. Instead of letting him see the effect that he has on me, I turn my head to face him and hold out my hand, for a handshake as if to make a deal. While looking into his eyes I ask one simple question, "So just friends?" The boy reaches his hand out and holds it in mine, returning the handshake but letting his hand linger for a tad bit longer. He leans in and whispers once more, "Hmm alright, but we'll just have to see about that now won't we."



Are they finally opening up? Is there something more than just friends? ;) Anyways, thoughts on this chapter and the story so far?

All This Time? ; A Blaise Zabini fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now