Chapter 9 - "Thank You..."

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"Okay. You look so good." Lina says while eyeing me up and down. "You know what Lina I'm not feeling well, I don't think that I should go. I might uh- get people sick." I sarcastically insist while fake coughing. I feel my best friend grab my wrist and pull me to the full length mirror resting in the corner of my dorm room. "I mean look at us Brynn, we look good." I'm not going to lie...we do look good. After about an hour of searching my entire wardrobe, I settled on a very sleek and simple outfit. I picked a black turtleneck with a dark plaid short skirt. Lina looks absolutely brilliant also, she is wearing a nude colored skirt paired with a darker top and a light colored cardigan over top.



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"Listen to me Brynn

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"Listen to me Brynn. Everyone at that party will either want to kiss you or be you. Now shut up and let's get down to the common room, Draco is waiting for us." The moment that Lina opens the door she pushes me out of my room, causing me to almost fall over. But instead of my body making contact with the stone floor, someone catches me and braces my fall. I hesitantly look upwards from my awkward position and see Draco laughing at me. "Falling for me, Larke?" My other best friend remarks while laughing. "In your dreams ferret boy." I snap back. My group and I immediately break out into a fit of laughter, still standing in front of my dorm room. In the middle of our laughing fit I hear a door open and to my oh-so-pleasant  surprise, I see none other than Blaise Zabini. We make eye contact for what feels like hours before he turns his attention away from me and now to Draco, I notice that he has been wearing a slight smirk the whole time. "Mind if I walk down with you guys?" He says while making eye contact with me once again. He knows what he is doing.

After a short walk, we all end up down in the common room, which is flooded with students. "I'm going to get a drink." I say to the group that I am with, and I walk off. As I am filling my cup I feel a hand snake around my shoulder followed by the voice of Adrian Pucey. Fantastic. "You look good tonight, Larke. I'm glad you decided to show up." He claimed while flashing me a quick wink. "Is that so?" I ask. "Yes, it very much is. Now come and dance with me." It takes a bit of convincing from Adrian, but I finally decide to give in and go to the large crowd of people dancing. After a few hours of dancing and quite a bit of drinking I feel like I am not exactly in full control of my body anymore. My mind is hazy, and I am definitely getting tired. "Come with me to my dorm and we can have some more fun." I hear Adrian whisper in my ear and pull my arm. At this point I am far too drunk to function, so I oblige and begin to follow the boy. "Nope, I think that we are done here." A new voice chimes in that I recognize. It's Blaise.

Before I know it he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me so that I am standing behind him, his arm still on my stomach. "What the hell Zabini?!" Adrian raises his voice. Before I can even try to think, I say, "No! I want to go with the nice boy." I try to wiggle out of Blaise's strong grasp, but I fail, he doesn't budge. "You heard her, she wants to come with me." Adrian says. "She doesn't know what she wants." Blaise snaps back and attempts to pull me away from the crowded room but me being under a heavy influence...I definitely don't make it easy for him.

Brynn is thrashing her body around in an attempt to get out of my grasp

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Brynn is thrashing her body around in an attempt to get out of my grasp. I know the only reason that Pucey wanted Brynn to go with him and there is no way that I am letting her go with that asshole. "Let go of me! I don't go with you, I want to- to go with him!" She exclaims in the drunken state that she is currently in. I can tell that she has been drinking quite a bit due to her body language and how her words are slurred together and harder for me to understand. I try to get her to walk, but that's no use, so I pick her up. I bend down and pick the girl up bridal style and begin walking to the staircase leading to the dorms. Brynn's little tantrum has slowed down, and I can tell that she is getting weaker and more tired. After walking in silence for a bit, I look downwards a bit just to see her looking back at me. Her eyes, her face, everything about her is beautiful. I'm not sure if that is just the alcohol that is in my body thinking for me or not, but I don't think that it is. Her small, raspy voice then breaks the silence, "I didn't really want to go with that boy, you know." She confesses while resting her head in the crook of my neck. "I know." I let out a breathy response to her.

Once we reach the prefect dorms, I stop and turn to face the door to face her room. "Hey Brynn where is your key?" no response. I look down once more in confusion to the lack of response to see the girl peacefully sleeping in my arms. I then open the door to my dorm and quietly walk over to my bed. I carefully lay her on the soft mattress and step back. I admire how beautiful she is, looks wise and personality wise. I messed up. I turn around and begin to walk over to the couch that is on the other side of my room. I hear a quiet voice, "Thank you, for taking me away from there." and I stop in my tracks for a moment. "No problem Larke. Now get some sleep." I respond.

I can't help but stay awake and wonder if this is progress, if we could be friends...or even something more. I think that I might fancy this girl. 

All This Time? ; A Blaise Zabini fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now