What you do for Valentines

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Jake- You take a boat ride in the lake. he packed a basket of your favorite food, so you at and swam. when you got tired you slept with his arms around you on a blanket on the bottom of the boat.

Sam- You two go o the cinema, to see a romantic comedy. afterwards you grab some pizza and ice cream and have a nice relaxing walk to the park. the sprinklers are turned on, and the two of you run underneath.

Andy-you and him have a picnic in the park. he give you a bouquet of you favorite flowers, and then when it turns dark you lie hand in hand staring at the stars, pointing out different constellations.

Felix- For your day, he starts off buy bringing you breakfast in bed, complete with two white roses and two black fish in a bowl. he then washes the dishes. Then he brings a stacks of movies and hotchoclate to drink. You spend the day cuddling, making out and other random stuff.

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