Growing Up- Jake

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Your son came into the world, a little screaming body, all pink and soft. As the nurse held him up to the light, Jake gripped your hand tightly, his eyes following the little body of his newborn child. The nurse swaddled him in a towel, drying him off before handing him to you. His bright blue eyes were shaded by long blonde eyelashes, matching the set of golden curls on top of his perfect head. He was yours, you created him and you couldn't be more in love.

Jake kissed the top of your head, his eyes shining with tears. His finger was gripped by the infant's hand. This was your family, the two most precious things to you. Your boys.


Your son walked through the gates of his first Kindergarten day, hand in hand with Jake. His mini back pack in Jakes other hand. He was so excited, his bright smile was contagious. He pulled Jake down the brick path towards the main door, urging his dad to hurry up.

He was starting to grow up, and you only just realised it. He was no longer the little infant that couldn't walk or talk. He was 4, and growing up fast. Already he could say the alphabet and count to 50. He could ride a bike with training wheels. He wasn't a baby anymore. He was becoming a man.


This was it, his last day of primary school and you were terrifyed. You didn't want him to grow up, didn't want your baby boy to step out into the big wide world. But what terrifyed you the most, was that you couldn't stop him.

He stood before you on the stage with his other 28 class mates, a microphone standing before him as he took a deep breath to start his speech. And thats when the tears started to fall. He was a big boy now.


His first school dance. He ran down the stairs, trying not to slip on the wooden structure due to his socked feet, yelling your husbands name. You look to Jake, who was slipping on his blazer while trying to push his feet into his black shoes.

"Dad, this bloody tie will be the death of me." You chuckled, your son coming into the kitchen with a white dress shirt on, black pants and a black tie around his neck. Jake huffed, forgetting his shoes and walking over to his son. He quickly did the tie, tightening it around the younger boys neck. You stood up, wrapping your arms around your sons neck and holding him to you, careful of your pregnant stomach. He hugged you back, kissing your cheek before running out the door to his friends parents car.

"Now, how about that date?" Jake asked, taking your hand and leading you to the car. You smiled and got in the car.


And now you were looking down the isle, watching as your son noticed his beautiful bride came down the carpet, tulips in hand, and hair surrounding her gorgous face. He was infatuated, his face showing all the love in the world that he could show. He loved her and he was happy. Thats all you wanted in his life.

You had seen him grow, fall in love, fall down, get back up. You saw him in pain, laughing till his insides hurt. You and Jake created him. He was you and him. And he showed all the worst and the best qualitles that both of you had. And you couldn't love him any less.

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