Imagine for HannahLimeburn

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You was never good at dating, let alone trusting guys. But when Felix came around, everything sort of changed. He came up to you at the local book store, giving you his number and telling you to call him for coffee, and that you had good book taste.

He left you reeling, spinning through the blurry world around you, his face the only clear thing around you. And you wanted more, more of him and more of everything he could offer you. He captivated you, made you curious about the boy dressed in black, always lurking around.

On Saturday is when you took the jump, picking up your phone and dialing the number on the small slip of paper. After a few nervous seconds of waiting you hear the familiar voice.

"Ah, so you did decide to call." He says, a smile evident in his voice. You gulp, hoping your voice would not deceive you, but alas it came out croaky like a frog.

"You wanted to meet up for coffee??" You ask back, ignoring his glee towards you calling him back.

"Meet me tonight, The Peppercorn Cafe, and bring your favorite books angel. I wanna get to know you." He states before hanging up.

You stand there, wide eyed, not believing what had just happened. But you knew you weren't going to turn down this chance to meet him.


After a few cups of coffee, and a plate of pastries the conversation was flowing, accompanied by laughter and smiles.  After making a joke Felix looks at you, taking in every detail, as if he never wanted to forget you.

"I'm really happy you decided to call me back Y/N". He says, taking your hand in his. You blush, squeezing his hand while looking at the crumbs covering the table. He pushes a hand under your chin, lifting it up. His eyes focus on yours, two sifting brown orbs of color.

And before you knew it he was leaning in, and you were coming closer, placing a hand on his arm as your lips seal in a soft loving kiss. You felt something, you couldn't say what it was but you defiantly felt something. He pulled you closer, pushing back your long hair that covered your face.
But sadly the both of you needed to breathe, so you pull apart still holding each other.
"Wow" Felix says, smirking at you. From what started out as a simple curiosity- turned into a full on love. Not something you expected to come out of one coffee date.

Hey guys, thanks for the request HannahLimeburn.
Bit overwhelmed with the homework amount I've been given so I'm trying to update as my as I can.
Love ya all.

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