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As Joel and you walked through town, a small group of fans ran up to him, pushing pictures and phones in his face. He smiled and pulled you into his side, autographing things with on arm around your waist. Some girls awwhed whiles other glared at you. But you ignored them, and admired how Joel treated his fans. As they started to move away from you and go back to their shopping, Joel and you went inside a little cafe. You sat down, and Joel went to the counter to order.

As soon as your but hit the chair, a teenage girl came towards you, a glare on her cake face.

"You don't deserve to be with Joel. He's mine, and you're to ugly. Probably just dating him cause he feels sorry for you." She spat on you, an evil smirk covering her face. As you wiped the spit off your face, you noticed tears rolling down your cheeks.

She walked away, sending a wink and smile to Joel on the way. As he walked back to your table, you tried to hide the fact that you were crying. He pushed your drink in front of you, and started talking about whatever was going on in his life. You couldn't focus on what he was saying, so you just sipped your drink trying to keep the tears hidden. And then one fell, leaving a droplet on the table.

Joel looked at the tear, and then at your face, noticing the wet lines that streaked your face. He quickly moved towards you, kneeling at your side and taking your face in his large, warm hands.

"Y/N, whats wrong?" his face inches from yours, and his breath pushing against your face. You gently shook your head, not wanting to tell him, not wanting him to worry. The girls words hurt, and all you could hear in your mind was a little voice telling you that what she said was true. You gently pushed him away, turning to face out the window, and hide him from the rest of the falling tears.

"I can make it all better baby, please, just tell me." You kept your mouth closed and after sitting through countless minutes of silence, he led you out of the cafe and to his apartment. No words passed your lips as he unlocked the door and grabbed your hand, pulling you inside.  Without a word he gently pushed you onto the couch, chucking a blanket over the top and throwing you the remote.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go grab some snacks and when I get, we'll talk." He walked away into the kitchen. You pouted, snuggling into the blankets and trying to push out the words of the girl. But like before the tears came, and you didn't have time to brush them away when Joel came back into the room, a bag in one hand and a massive tube of icecream in the other. He collasped onto the couch, pulling you to him and wrapping the blanket over the both of you. He pushed a spoon of ice cream into your mouth and looked at you, wiping the tears that leaked from your eyes. 

"Y/N, I know you don't want to tell me, but you're upset and in pain. Please angel." He took my hands in his as you slowly open your mouth.

"It was the girl, the fans." You whimper out, your eyes slowly looking down and avoiding his. He sighs and oulls you closer, shoving a spoon of icecream into his mouth as he waited for you to continue. ]

"She called me names, told me she was ugly and I didn't deserve you." You hid into his chest, letting his arm stroke your back. His eyes were cold and full of disgust.

"And you beleived her?" Joel asked you, pulling your chin up to look into his eyes. You gulped, sucking in air like a fish out of water. 

"I know I shouldn't have but, maybe it's true. Your're to good for me, and you probably only go out with me cause you pi-" You didn't get to finish your sentance because Joel's lips were on yours, silenceing you with a soft kiss. His arms went around your sides, pulling you closer.

"You are so beautiful, so amazing and I don't deserve you. I didn't ask you to be my girl friend because I pittied you, I asked because you are the most gorgues girl in my eyes, and I love you. Look, what ever that girl said, she was lying. Some of our fans are going to be horrible and jealous and thats just the way it is. But what is important is the fact that I love you and you are an angel. " He pulls away, holding the blanket ever you again, as he lies down with you ontop. You smile, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you. Thankyou for making me feel special and wanted. Thankyou for loving me Joel." 

He strokes your hair as the two of you focus on the screen infront of you. 

From that moment on, you never believed the hate that people sent you, never reading a word of it again. Sometimes times did get tough, but you knew Joel would be there to support you and make you feel better.

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