Request for EmilyLovesBailey

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Jake was always seen as the bully. The mean kid, who every one was either scared of or hated. But I never saw him like that. He was just a boy who had no focus in life, someone who was scared of revealing the truth. I'm not saying that I think it right to beat on on innocent people. I just think he has a reason for it.

It all started the day I was walking through the school halls on the way to my locker. He was standing there, books in his arms and surrounded by Trent and Dylan. I sighed and unlocked the lock before shoving my books in and grabbing my school bag. I placed everything I needed for the weekend into the bag before having my locker slammed shut right in front of my face. 

Behind it was a smirking Trent, his eyes dancing with mischief .

"What the hell was that for loser?" I ask, glaring at the guy who stand before me.

"Ooh. Someone cocky." He says laughing. A hand is placed on his shoulder- it owner, Jake. 
"C'mon dude, leave Emily alone. She did nothing." Jake says. Trent frowns, but after a few mumbled curse words walks away to go beat up some other kid.
"I'm sorry about him. Sometimes he picks on people who don't deserve it." Jake says. You smile at him. I swing my bag onto my shoulder, just as he starts to speak again.
"Look, I kinda need to tell you something." Jake says, taking my hand in his. His other hand cups my cheek, bringing my lips closer to his. His lips touch mine, and all I can feel are fire works. After a while I pull away.
"What was that for?" I ask. Jake rubs the back of his neck and blushes.
"I've kinda liked you since year 1. So I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girl friend?" He says. I smirk, before placing a hand on his chest.

"My house, 7.00. Bring movies and snacks." I say before walking away. And all the while his eyes were trained on the back of my head, watching me as I walked out the door.

As I expected he came over 10 minutes early, laden down with junk food and flowers. Ever since he's been mine and I've been his.

Thank you so much for the request Emily. To those of you who don't know, you can request a story if you private message me. Love you all

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