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March 30th, 2005

All day, she was anxious. She was thinking about what she had found out that morning, and she was scared that her news would leave her single and completely alone.

"Hey." Peter grinned, as he watched his girlfriend walk up the steps of his parents' brownstone.

"Hi." Mariska replied weakly. She was shaking as she ran her hand up the railing and took the stairs slowly.

They went inside of the house and into Peter's room before Mariska even spoke again. She sat on the edge of his bed and ran her hands over her jeans as she prepared herself for telling Peter about her news. Her scary, unpredictable, and overwhelming news.

"You have seemed quiet all day. Is it because spring break is coming to an end?" Peter questioned as he sat beside her before grabbing her hand.

"Peter, do you want to be with me? Like, forever?" Mariska asked, her voice small and weak.

"Of course I do, Rish. You are the only one I want to be with. And I know we are young and haven't been with anyone else, but I know that I want to marry you one day in the future."

"Okay." Mariska whispered before nodding slowly and standing. She hesitantly walked over to where she had tossed her bag, before unzipping it. She grabbed the test from the top before turning back around and walking to Peter.

"So, I'm pregnant." 

"Huh?" Peter breathed as he looked at Mariska with wide eyes. He knew that something like this could happen since they hadn't been careful a few times, but he really didn't think that it would happen. 

"I'm pregnant, Peter... and we gotta figure something to do about this all. Because I don't want to be a mom yet. I don't want to drop out of school or not be able to follow my dreams." 

"Do your parents know? Because I'm sure that your Dad and Ellen could help you with this."

"Help me with this? Peter, I'm not going through this without you. You are the father and you need to help decide things!" Mariska yelled. She felt beyond angry with her boyfriend and didn't know why dealing with everything regarding the baby and this pregnancy was her responsibility.

"Hey! I'm not going to give up on you, okay? Uh, we will figure this out together. As a couple... as parents." Peter breathed, as he had a hard time actually saying that he and Mariska were going to be parents.


October 30th, 2005

Mariska's pregnancy was kept a complete secret. She did her classes from home and rarely went out in public. Peter would come over to her house and hang out, but she never went to his. They wanted their lives to go back to normal once the baby was born, and that was only going to happen since they were giving the baby up for adoption.

"Elle and Heather are here." Peter whispered as he walked into Mariska's hospital room. Mariska hesitantly looked up from the small bundle in her arms and she swallowed hard.

"They are taking her away, huh?" She mused, as she looked back down and at the small baby girl in her arms.

"We have time to change our minds, Rish. If we want to keep her, we can keep her. No one will blame us." Peter replied, as he walked to the bed before looking down at his daughter.

"If we change our minds, we will break Elle's and Heather's heart. They are looking so forward to being her parents... so we need to just get this over with. Now... before I change my mind." Mariska sniffled. 

Peter left the room and brought the adoptive mothers into the room. 

"So are you two sure that you want to give her up?" Elle asked, after sitting down a bouquet of flowers on the table at the foot of Mariska's bed.

"We have too." Mariska frowned as she swallowed hard and tried to stop thinking about her life if she kept her baby.

"You don't have too. We want her, and we already love her... but if you two decide that you want to be her parents, we won't fight you on it. We have things that we could give you-" Heather spoke, but Mariska shook her head.

She didn't say another word until after she kissed her daughter's forehead. She then passed the baby to Peter.

"Do you have a name for her?" Mariska sniffled as she wiped tears from her cheeks. She wanted to remember things about the little girl that would be leaving this hospital in the arms of her mothers.

"We do... are you sure that you want to know?" Elle frowned, and Mariska nodded.

"We both would like to know." Peter admitted.

"Her name is Victoria Grace Williams. And we will tell her when she's older who you two are and let her decide from there. Okay?"

"Please, just take her before I completely change my mind. Please."


When Mariska was allowed to leave the hospital, her father and step-mother drove her home. She sat in the backseat and cried silently.

"Honey?" Ellen asked, as she looked back at her step-daughter.

"Y-yeah?" Mariska whimpered.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm not great... I already miss her so much. Like the way she smelt, and she had such soft hair... I'm so sorry for what I did to you two and everyone else. I'm sorry that I'm such an embarrassment and that our lives had to be a secret for months just because Peter and I weren't using protection... I'm sorry." Mariska sobbed from the backseat.

Out of nowhere, her father pulled over and parked. He got out and walked around to the side of the car that his daughter was sitting on. He swung open the door and pulled her into a tight hug as her body shook.

"No matter how disappointed I am, I will never hate you for what happened. We love you, and we will help you through this. I promise. And I still like Peter even if he did this to you." Mickey whispered.

"I just want her so bad!"

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