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Mariska and Peter were so thankful that Victoria was there for Max and helped him through one of the many hard times he would experience. So Mariska wanted to talk to her daughter and tell her how much she truly appreciates her.

"Mama?" Victoria asked, as she left her last class for the day. She had two morning classes on Mondays, and then for the rest of the day she was free to study and pick up a shift if she wanted.

"Hey, baby." Mariska smiled. She stepped up to her daughter and hugged her tightly before kissing her hair.

"What are you doing here? I assumed you were taping today." Victoria spoke as she looked her mother over. She was worried that something was wrong, and that is why she was getting a visit from her mother.

"Surprisingly, I am not in any scenes today. So would you like to join me for an early lunch? Maybe we could get pizza or sushi?"

"Um, sure. I was planning on grabbing a sub and head home... is that okay?"

"That sounds great, baby! Just lead the way." Mariska smiled.


They picked up sandwiches before heading back to Victoria and Emilee's apartment. Once Victoria had put her stuff away and woke Emilee up for her afternoon classes, they went out onto the fire escape to eat lunch.

"I didn't realize how nice this view was." Mariska smiled, as she glanced over at her daughter.

"I like it. Em and I sit out here and study when it's nice."

"It's good to get some sun." Mariska replied. 

They sat in silence for a while, before Victoria spoke again.

"Is there another reason you wanted to hang out today? Because you saw me yesterday."

"Oh, yeah. Uh, it's about Max."

"Is he okay? Because we talked this morning-"

"You talked this morning?"

"Yeah, he called me before class. We talked for like half an hour. He seemed fine."

"Oh, he is! He already seems so much happier! He gets to be himself, instead of hiding it. But it's still about him."

"Okay? Then just tell me. I kinda hate wondering. You love to just drag things out." Victoria breathed.

"Sorry! Uh, you really helped him... like a lot. You talked him out of that shell he was in, and convinced him we wouldn't hate him for being gay. It was incredibly nice of you, and I very much appreciate it... you don't even know how much Daddy and I are thankful for you."

"I was just listening to him. I did nothing special." Victoria replied as her face grew red. She rarely got praise like this, and it confused her. 

"I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if he kept this all hidden for much longer. He might have hurt himself because he was too scared to live as his true self. You were there for him, when he didn't trust me and your father."

"Thanks?" Victoria replied awkwardly.

"I'm sorry if I just threw you off. I just needed to tell you that."

"I haven't really had people say they are thankful for me. Heather and Elle never did. And if they did, it was sarcastic..."

"I think many people are thankful for you, but they just haven't told you yet. You are special."

"Thanks, Mama." Victoria whispered. She leaned in close and hugged her mother tightly.

They embraced for a long moment before they parted, and both wiped tears from their cheeks.


Max really was a lot happier after he came out to his parents, and then to his younger sisters a few weeks later. Everyone was extraordinarily accepting, which made Max smile so much more.

He started to dress in a way that made him more comfortable, and he wore a lot of bright colors that truly matched his personality. 

By Christmas he had a boyfriend that he liked enough to bring to his family's Christmas party.

"So, do you know much about Max's boyfriend?" Harvey asked as he helped Victoria and Mariska in the kitchen. Max had been at a sleepover the night before, and his boyfriend's mother was bringing him and his boyfriend to the house for the party.

"All Max says is that he is amazing. That he loves him." Mariska replied, and Harvey smiled.

"I'm glad. He deserves an amazing guy to love." Harvey smiled.

"I'm glad that you are supportive, Harv. Max really looks up to you." Victoria spoke, as she wiped out another champagne flute.

"I care a lot about this family, especially since I will be a part of it in a few years."

"Have you two made any wedding plans yet?" Mariska asked, and Victoria shook her head.

"Not yet. It really depends since there are talks about Harvey being deployed."

"Oh, no." Mariska frowned, as she looked at her daughter.

"It's scary, but it is what I signed up for. I knew he wanted to be an airman before he even joined."

They couldn't talk anymore about Harvey getting deployed because the guests started to show up. Then, not long after, Max and his boyfriend showed up.

"Tori!" Max called, as he quickly found his sister.

"Hey, buddy! How was your sleepover?" Victoria smiled as she hugged her brother tightly.

"It was good! Can you come with me real quick?"

"Sure? Should I grab my jacket?"

"Yeah. We are going outside."


Outside, Victoria saw Max's best friend, Daniel. She waved at the boy before smiling at him.

"I didn't know that Max invited you! It's good to see you, Danny." Victoria smiled.

"I invited him because this is my boyfriend." Max spoke. Victoria's eyes went wide as her smile grew.


"Really... we were talking and flirting before I came out. But we only recently started dating because now I'm out at home and at school."

"Congrats, you two!" Victoria spoke before hugging both of the boys tightly.

"Do you think Mama and Dad will like him?" Max asked, and Victoria laughed softly.

"Bud, they already love Daniel. Some rules may change now that you two are dating, but this relationship won't change their feelings about your best friend! Now, let's go inside! Everyone is wondering who the lucky man is that is dating Max Hermann."

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