We paint over our minds.
Making shoulder checks, our lives aren't just a drive.
We are covering personality with artificial beauty.
This fake shit isn't my cup of tea.
Stand up straight,
Don't be late.
Curl your hair.
Focus on what you wear.
Run the extra mile,
Keep it slim.
Wear that smile.
Hit the gym.
I can't be perfect.
But why am I covering everything worth it.
This nail polish stain,
It's keeping me restrained.
We shouldn't care,
Society isn't fair.
Wipe off the makeup,
Forget about the break up.
Let your hair down,
Be happy, don't frown.
Take a breath, Look yourself in the mirror,
Looka little nearer.
Do you like you?
A/N Uhhh well this is based on the song try. You guys should really listen to it, it's quite amazing. Umm well I think the poem says it. You dont need to look like someone to be beautiful. Just be yourself.