capital letters

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we were always told to put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence,

at the beginning of a place,

or name.

because a person is important,

they deserve a capital letter.

but why do we treat each other,

like some secondary character?

second choice,

yet first to die.

cinderella and other stupid princesses,

they have no right,

to tell us what happily ever after is.

next in line for one cent cuts and bruises.

i've already collected a dollar.

we create mini masterpiece theaters in our minds,

little orchestras, keeping us sane.

but i'm letting you know,

that i don't think my name deserves a captial letter.

i don't think some celebrity kardashian,

should get a capital letter.

those who have fallen for our freedom,

those saving the world as we know it,

Chris Hadfield, Leonardo da Vinci.

inspiration to all.

they are the major constellations,

we'd be lucky to become even a star.

we may only be shadows in their great sucesses,

but we can reach to achieve.

from minors to majors,

i don't want to be some pop star, bieber,

i want to be a constellation,

capital C-o-n-s-t-e-l-l-a-t-i-o-n.

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