// Screech. / My actions slaved for your words. / Minimum wage, / Put this crap on hyperdrive, / I'm done. / Eek, Eek. / Give me love like hers. / I'm tired of waking up alone. / This blood splatter, / Tear splatter, / I shed for you, / Is giving me everything to lose. / Eeek. / I know, / I know. / My stupidity has gotten to my head. / My blood has turned to alcohol, / Which way is down? / Eek. / SHUT THAT FUCKING DOOR, / I'm not ready to leave the comfort of my room. / I waited for your words, / My tongue turning black, / I choked on what I thought was the truth. / Creeek. / DON'T TOUCH THAT, / ITS MINE! / LET ME BE. / HE IS THE ONE THAT KEPT ME CLEAN ALL THESE MONTHS, / NOW LOOK AT THE MESS HE MADE. / HE RUINED ME. / I HAD A REPUTATION TO KEEP! / WHERE IS IT NOW? / Screech, Screech. / WHERE HAS THE HUMANITY GONE? / HAVE WE NO SELF WORTH, THAT WE CHANNEL THAT TO OTHERS? / Eek. / PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME, / BECAUSE SOCIETY DIDN'T GIVE ME THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL ON HOW TO FIT IN. / I NEVER DID, / AND NEVER WILL. / Eek. / STOP WITH THIS FOOLISHNESS. / DIZZIED UP FROM MY TRY, VERTIGO. / Eek. / JUST REMOVE THE STUPID HINGE. / YOU'RE DRIVING ME INSANE! / LEAVE THE BLOOD BEHIND, / AND SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR ALREADY. //