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// Clank, Clank, Vroom. / Start the engine, / i'm on a one way trip out of betrayal and into freedom. / Clank, Vroom. / Don't break down on me now, / i was almost there. / Clank, Vroom. / Respect me. / Respect us. / We have feelings too. / Vroom, Clank, Vroom. / Back stap me, / i'll slash your tires. / Say another word. / i'll create fires. / Dare to do anything thing else, / And you'll be sure to be sorry. / Clank, Vroom. / Dare challenge me in a game i created. / Go ahead take a swing. / Watch what happens. / Vroom. / Speed away. / Run from your problems. / Stay the shitty person you are. / Spill the beans, / Get in trouble. / Can i say i told you so? / Clank, Clank. / Breathe in the chemicals from the exhaust pipe. / For anything, you deserve it. / Sticking your nose into everyone's business. / YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHlNG, DON'T YOU? / THEN YOU AND YOUR BlG ASS MOUTH, HAVE TO GO AROUND AND TELL EVERYONE! / PUT ON A MASK OF lNNOCENCE, / BECAUSE THAT'S ALL YOU ARE. / A COVER. / A MASK. / A FAKE. / Clank, Vroom. / WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A TRlP DOWN BETREAYAL YOURSELF AND SEE HOW YOU GET BY. / Clank, Vroom. / ARE YOU SORRY YET? / OR IS THIS ANOTHER COVER UP? / IS THIS SOME KIND OF SCHEME? / YOU'RE CLIMBING UP TO THE TOP OF POPULARITY, / BY PUSHING OUR ROTTING BODIES DOWN. / WE'RE NO USE TO YOU ANYMORE. /WE JUST KEPT YOU COMPANY, / WHILE YOU PLANNED YOUR WAY FOR ROYALTY. / Vroom, Clank, Clank. / YOU THINK YOU CAN BETRAY ME, / AND I'LL COME CRAWLING BACK TO YOUR SORRY ASS? / NO, IM SORRY SWEETHEART, / IT DIESNT WORK LIKE THAT. / YOU FUCK WITH ME, / I'll be sure to make your life living hell. //

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