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// Inhale, Exhale. / I miss our late night conversations, / Between our favourite sensations, / And the darkest secrets we hold. / Inhale, / The memories. / Exhale, / The regrets. / Just breathe. / But I'm still missing a piece of this stupid puzzle. / An empty space between my heart and my mind, / I can't decide, / Who's on my side. / I've been lied to, too often, / Exhale, / The trust bond we had, / We are no dynamic duo, / not anymore. / Because you decided to give up on something, / I was still fighting for. / I'm tumbling down disaster avenue. / Inhale, / Failure. / Exhale, / Trying. / NO, IM GETTING IT BACKWARDS. / Inhale, / Intoxication. / Exhale, / Success. / WHAT AM I DOING? / IM GIVING UP MY LIFE. / FREESTYLE DOWN DISSAPPONTMENT. / I'M SORRY MOM AND DAD. / Inhale, Exhale. / Inhale..... //


A/N Sorry ths one is weird. Had a really good idea then ^^ all that happened. Oh, well. Comment what you think.

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