Missing person

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It was a peaceful day at cabello household ale and sinu adored Lauren they think she's good enough for there daughter they consider her apart of the family same goes for camila in the jauregui household mike and Clara loves Camila  she's sweet and kind she helps them all the time so when they told there family's that they're dating both family's were over the moon excited about the news

"Hey mom Iam going on a date with Lauren ok" camila said looking at her mom who's smile got bigger

"Oh is she sleeping over or going home" sinu said to her daughter

"I don't know mom she said she would take me on a date and back home she didn't say anything about sleeping over" camila said

"Ok mila call her and ask her" her mother said

"Okey mom I will do that" camila said and her mother nodded her head

Camila left the kitchen and went to her bedroom and saw her phone on the charger camila picked the phone up and dialed Lauren's Phone number


L: hey baby what's up

C: hey sweetheart I have a question

L: ask away

C: are you sleeping over today like after the date like if you wan-

Camila was cut off by laughing Lauren

L: your soo adorable sure I will sleepover tonight

C: yayayay spending time with my beautiful girlfriend

L: what did I say adorable ok good bye Camz

C: good bye lolo

*end of the call*

Camila puts her phone back on the charger and goes to her mother and she sees her mother setting the table for her sister and father

"Hey mom let me help you" camila said helping her mother set the plates

"So what did Lauren say about sleeping over" her mother said

"She said yes she would sleepover" camila said and she sees very excited Sofia come down the stairs

"Wait lolo is coming over and sleeping too yayay she can play Barbie with me like she promised" Sofia said

"She will but after our date ok Sofia" camila said

"Okey mom Iam gonna go do my make up" camila said and her mother said "ok" 

Camila went to her room sat down on the chair in front of her makeout and went to work for like 10 minutes she hears knocks on the door but camila ignored it and continued with her makeup but after 2 minutes

"What's up bitch" the person said causing camila to jump out of her place and drop her make up pallet looking at who scared her half to death

"Dinah you scared the hell out of me" camila said and Dinah laughed and said "sorry"

"Mila you know I love you so when's the date" Dinah said

Camila checked her phone it's 4pm right now her dates in like an hour and half

"An hour and half can you help me with the outfit while I finish my makeup" camila said and Dinah nodded heading straight to Camilas closet while dinahs looking for a perfect outfit camila is finishing her makeup and then she heard a ding and when Camila got up and saw a message from Lauren asking her if she's ready

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