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The girls hid in the corners of the room as they see the killer enter the room looking around for them he broke a couple of painting and he ripped the puzzles in half

"I know you guys are here you won't leave this place alive you got that I will catch you and kill you" the killer said and left the room

The girls were together the exit is in the other side of the hospital it's just half an hour walk they started they were walking when suddenly the lights went off making them jump camila and Lauren got there flashlights out and continued there walk when they saw him they stayed quiet hoping the killer won't come there way and he didn't so they continued there walk

The girls were walking for half an hour until they saw him standing in front of the exit

"What the fuck whyyy is he there his blocking the door" Lauren said

"So what now his guarding the door like a lion" ally said and camila signed

She's looking at the girls with tears in her eyes they were so confused why did camila crying

"Lauren my love I love you so much you don't know it Iam sorry to do this but it's the only choice we have and I want you to live okey baby I love you always and forever here take the flare gun and the last bullet go outside and do what I did got it so if people was near you they would see it" camila said

"What do you mean your coming with us right your gonna live" Lauren said taking the flare gun from camila

"Ally I know we don't know each other that much but please be with Lauren at all time if I don't make it out alive be next to her at all time that's all Iam asking you" camila said and was about to get up

"What you can't do that that's dangerous your  gonna die Camila" ally said

Camila smiled looking at ally and Lauren

"It's better to be me who's gonna die and not you two Iam gonna distract him you have both keys when his chasing me  you go for it ok" camila said and ally nodded her head

"Can you turn your head ally" camila said

Ally turned her head and camila kissed Lauren on the lips as a good bye kiss when they pulled away camila smiled and whispered " I love you" to Lauren and Lauren said " I love you too" and that's camila cue to yell and run

"Hey blind bitch Iam right here come get me" camila yelled and the killer looked at where camila was and camila took off running

The killer is chasing her Camilas  running for her life she hears his foot steps and then she sees Jeremy standing in front of an open door camila didn't question it and got in the room and locked the door Jeremy wasn't there but she sees two different kind of foot steps the killer past by the room camila was in

Out of no where Jeremy came back to camila and camila jumped looking at Jeremy who was out of breath

"I thought he can't see you" camila said

"He can't but i still get  exhausted when I run" Jeremy explained

"You have to be more careful now his on high alert if he hears anything he won't hesitate to slice you in half" Jeremy said

Camila was back to the room her and the girls were in she slowly unlocks the room getting out of it checking if his there camila continued her walk  very slowly and carefully making sure she doesn't make any noises to alert the killer she walks slowly for 10 minutes camila hears the flare gun being shot and she smiled

Camila continued her walk for other 10 minutes then she sees him putting a trap on the floor it's if you step on the string a bell goes off alerting the killer about your place in the hospital camila goes to other way hoping she would make it out alive she walks  for 10 minutes and then she sees one of his traps

Camila avoided half of his traps like a pro camila had the last 10 minutes left but when she sees the exit from afar she goes there but unfortunately she steps on the trap making the bell go off Camilas eyes widened and  camila ran for her life to the exit hoping his very far

Camilas running to the exit when she was knocked down her head hit the wall when she sees who did that it's him he looks at camila laughing

" what a pathetic girl sacrificing your own life for two others pathetic now your gonna die here and no one is gonna remember you" the killer said

The killer kicked the wall camila was confused he kept kicking the wall until she hears a crack it happened so fast for her comfort a massive rock fell on her hand crushing it camila yelled in pain  pretty sure the world heard it her hand is stuck now she can't move

"Dang it it didn't kill you well I guess
I will have to kill you myself ready to meet your Destiny" the killer said laughing at camila

Camila had tears in her eyes her hand is crushed if she makes it out alive camilas hand  won't be useful at all

"Say good bye bitch cuz you won't make it  out alive"

What do you think is gonna happen is camil dommed is it her time let's find out later

Words: 951

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