Last breath

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The killer was in front of camila pointing his throwing knife at her heart she stayed silent because the killer was speaking

"You know why I killed the people in this hospital do you!!" The killer yelled camial flinched

" I don't know why" camila stuttered

"People were making fun of me for being blind they always making jokes about my eyes and they would put there foot in front of mine so I could trip and fall they laughed at me I wanted revenge I wanted to kill them all so I did" the killer said

"Iam sorry for that happening but killing people doesn't solve anything if you accept yourself it's all that matters no ones opinion should have effected you" camila said but she screamed in pain when she feels the killer kick her in the stomach

"Shut up bitch shut up don't talk" the killer yelled

"I will do whatever I want and kill whoever I want and iam gonna start with you you won't survive trust me if I say I will kill you I will I never miss" the killer said laughing

He hits camila couple of times in the stomach coursing her to cry out of pain

"Fucking bitch trying  to tell me what to do and what to not do what are you my mom you whore" the killer said

"You let my precious kill runaway now your not gonna see the light of the day I hope it was worth it" the killer said

"It was so fucking worth it I would do it again" camila said spits blood from her mouth

She's losing her consciousness every minute because she's losing a lot of blood it's not good maybe the killer is right she's gonna die in the abandoned hospital but at least she knows that her girlfriend is gonna be safe she smiled at how Lauren is gonna live her dreams and she thanked god that she did what she had to do to save ally and Lauren's life

"I will never regret saving the life of my girlfriend and ally never in my life would regret it if you want to end me do it Iam happy because I know they're safe far away from you you monster of a human" camila spat out and coughing blood

"Pathetic little girl saving her loved once is more important then saving your own life how pathetic true love doesn't exist get that through your brain" the killer said laughing

"It does exist but your too ignorant to believe it and too broken to know it just because someone broke your heart doesn't mean it's ok to kill people get over it" camila said and the killer was shocked

"How do you know I was heartbroken" the killer asked

"It's obvious your hating on my relationship and calling true love fake who's the girl that broke your heart" camila asked

"Her name was alessia wider she treated me with respect alessia didn't make fun of my disability she stood up for me I loved her so much it hurts one day I was coming back from work and I can hear kissing and when I stepped in the house i  heard a male voice he told me who are you and I said it back to him he told me his alessia boyfriend but I said I was alessia's boyfriend but he laughed and said she's cheating on me with him for months now alessia tried to contact me but I couldn't face her It broke me but in 2 years she sent me a letter a goodbye letter telling me he wasn't her boyfriend he was forcing himself on her and she didn't even know him I felt my whole world crushing down if I had just given her a chance to explain she would have been alive and with me right now" the killer said

"But I will still kill you that doesn't change anything just because you know my story doesn't mean anything" the killer insisted

"Okey do it then end me" camila said

The killer was about to throw his knife at her

Camila takes her last breath smiling

I hope lolo would move on and be happy with her life without me I love her so much I can't see her sad it hurts me

"Goodbye lolo"

What do you think is gonna happen are they gonna save her in time let's hope so

Words: 749

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