Finding ally

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Camren were walking to find the surgery section of the third floor they found bathroom an elevator which is a lucky find and the rest of the rooms until they see him he's walking straight to them Lauren was about to scream but camila puts her hand on her mouth and goes next to the trash he walks in front of them and stops the girls heart beats are all over the place the killer signed to himself and left camila let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and let go of her hands from Lauren's mouth

"As I told you his blind he can't see us he can only hear us so if you make a noise his coming for us ok baby" camila said and Lauren nodded her head

They continue there walk until they saw the surgery section they walked in it and saw the surgery room chained they cussed to them self's now they have to look for two keys when they looked at the room next to the surgery room it's a room full of chests or cabins camren split up looking for the key half way through the chests Lauren found it and told camila but then they heard foot steps it's him again he was In front of the door Lauren had her hands on her mouth so she won't say anything and get them caught when the killer turned they saw the last key In His pocket camrens eyes widened and Lauren accidentally hit the chest with her foot that made the killer turn and come inside the room

The killer come inside the room he was right next to Lauren Lauren sees the opportunity to take the key and she did she took it and the killer sighed in disappointment and left

"Oh my god that was badass you took the key and he didn't feel you take it omg my girlfriend is a badass" camila whispered and Lauren chuckled

Camren went back to the surgery room and open very carefully and when they saw 4 rooms

They started with the first one

The second one
Also nothing

The third one

The last one

It had a crack on the wall camren got in and went to the crack to see ally tied up to a chair half awake and ready to pass out when she sees who's in front of her she's excited her smile only got bigger

"Oh my god you found me how did you get here oh my god help me" ally said and camila looked at the rope

"We need a knife" camila said and

"There is a knife in that table please help me" ally said

Camila got the knife and she's trying to cut the rope from allys hand and it was successfully done ally and camren got out of the surgery room and when to the elevator but when they pressed the button they realized the generator wasn't on

"Fuck let's take the stairs" camila said trying to open it but a massive rock is in front of the door

"Fuck how are we supposed to get out now" camila said

" let's just find the generator so we can get this elevator to start working" ally said

"Your right let's find the generator" camila said and they go in a room and see a massive map of the hospital

"Look there it is we have to go back to the reception and take a left into the cafeteria and then take the 4th door on the right and there should be a sign that has generator on it" Lauren said and they left to the cafeteria

On there way they saw him but he left to the chemotherapy section the girls felt relieved and went to the cafeteria

"Iam starving I need food" ally said

"Me too ally but I found a water bottle that had 197 something on it so I think the food is expired" camila said

"At least let's look" ally said

"Ugh fine let's go" camila said and they entered

and they saw a massive table Filled with food and ally was about to eat until Jeremy appeared out of no where and scared the shit out of ally and the rest of the girls

"Don't eat it" Jeremy said

The girls were confused they said "why" to Jeremy and he pointed at the metal cabin and when they opened it they came face to face with poison there faces dropped when they saw the poison Jeremy told them there was water that the killer forgot to put poison In

"Thank you Jeremy" camila said

"Your welcome" Jeremy said

"Can I ask you a question" Lauren said to Jeremy and he nodded his head

"Why are you helping us" Lauren said

"My parents died and I couldn't save them in time I wanted to save someone like I would have to my parents I want you all alive and in one piece" Jeremy confesses to them they take the waters and continued there journey to the generator with Jeremy

When camila wanted to go to the door Lauren notice oh no it can't be it's a trap before camila can put her leg on the wires Lauren gets a hold of Camilas arm pulling it to her when camila stepped on for one second and got yeeted to Lauren and out of no where they hear a gun shot a very shocked camila looked at the bullet whole that was aimed at her brain Lauren saved her

"HIDE" camila said and the girls hearing running coming there way but suddenly they hear a bang coming from the other side of the hospital camila looked around Jeremy isn't here then the foot steps stopped and turned around to where Jeremy was

"Jeremy is saving us ok be careful of the wires" camila said and they got in the generator

The girls got the generator to work the girls went back to were the elevator was they didn't need there flashlights because the hospital lights are open they got inside the elevator and they pressed the ground floor half way through the elevator ride

There was a malfunction and the elevator stopped in between the second and the first floor

"Oh no"


Are the girls gonna make it out alive is anything bad gonna happen let's hope they make it out alive

Words: 1078

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