Coming back from the dead (s2)

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A gasp can be heard underneath all the rocks a hand trying to find its way out of the depth of the dirt a hand getting rid of the rocks and dirts in its way from freedom once it felt the cold air it broke out from being underneath a now broken down hospital

The person hears some foot steps they see a axe in there sight the person picks it up and when they saw a guy working on destroying a tree they walked behind him slowly raised his axes up and sliced his head of smoothing and laughed

"Those bastards are gonna pay for what they did to my hospital those bastards are gonna pay for killing my brother" the killer says

He saw a news paper on the ground and it looks like the people who killed his brother he laughed when he saw that they have kids and live near now destroyed hospital

"It's revenge time camila you will see"

Woah what do you think is gonna happen and welcome back to part two of the book i hope you like it it's gonna be a slow update tho see you in the next chapter guys byee

Words: 203

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